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I don't like poorly reasoned arguments. I just saw a post on Facebook that read "I refuse to argue with anyone born after 1995. They don't even know how to write in cursive."

I'm sure it's supposed to be funny, but it's also likely supposed to make people who know how to write in cursive feel good about themselves. I'm one of those people, and I still think it's ridiculous. Though cursive is useful for writing quickly, I rarely see anyone pushing for better typing skills, which is far more useful in the current age. But, I'm not going to argue that point with anyone who can't write in calligraphy or hieroglyphics.

Cuberon_Blocket 4 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Just the use of the word "argue" already sets up a combative and defensive stance...

I get what the poster is implying... he/she is trying to eliminate an age range, perhaps, and using one of many skills his/her generation learned as a barometer...

Probably will have a tough time on FB since I don't think they have a cursive font for keyboarding/ they even teach typing in schools anymore? Even the 4 year olds know how to type on their own...

My kids just graduated (both born after '95) and still had to take typing and learn cursive.

@Zster I think my 14 year old great niece knows how to do cursive and type as well...I am glad!


If serious, bad argument on multiple levels. The rise of failed critical thinking skills the past few decades seems to cut across all demographics from what I can tell.


i can write in cursive but no one can read what i write in cursive. i print prettily when my arthritis isn't kicking up. i suppose the fb poster won't argue with anyone who has no hands, either, since they can't write in cursive either (although they may know how). and how does the poster even know that everyone born after 1995 doesn't know how to write in cursive? do we only know what we were taught in kindergarten?



If writing in cursive is something they are proud of, then they are pretty useless as humans.

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