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2018 is ending soon, have you found love here?

Humanlove 7 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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No, but I had a man offer me "instant love" and I ran in the other direction. (Guess I am not as hard up as I thought.)
My first suspicion was that he was a scammer and i.told him that. (Who proposes a life together before we have met in person? His assessment of our compatibility was apparently based on my posts, comments, and profile, not any actual conversation with me ). He was highly insulted and after some messaging back and forth, told me I was someone who couldn't appreciate a "real man.". I don't know if I do or don't appreciate a real man, but I recognize crazy and wasn't interested in getting involved in it.

Did you find love?


Yes! ...but not the romantic kind.?


Nope, not here. But it did give me a wake up call and a totally new perspective.


Lol, no. At one time there seemed like there would be a chance, but no...


I have not, but I'd be very surprised if it happened. Actually, although I don't entirely rule out the possibility, I haven't been pursuing the idea with any seriousness. I have virtually met some nice people, though, and even recognized a couple of real life friends who have joined the site. Not at all unhappy with my experience.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 29, 2018

I have found a lot of love here, friendship and a community. That is all I wanted. What about you?


Nope but haven't found friends either since I live in a churchy area.



lerlo Level 8 Dec 29, 2018

Not sure that's a post I wanted "liked" 🙂


Nope. There are no men in my age group who live near me. With 3/4 of American men overweight or obese, my chances get slimmer (har) every day.

Not attracted to fat.

I want a man who also enjoys a healthy lifestyle.

Maybe there is a fat guy out there who would like to be able to hike and attempt to keep up with you. After some time he would loose weight and may become attractive. First a friend is needed and then if something else happens then it is more than expected. I am not offering anything, but I am on the heavy side and in the situation I am in it is hard to loose weight and get enough exercise. Wish things were different but then Kate would have to be well and we would do it together. Perhaps your chance lays by thinking out of the box. Perhaps I am full of it who knows what will happen in the future.


No, but not expecting to.


Yes, I've found love here; it is common. No, I've not found a lover; although, I have found a good friend. I'm not yet ready for a lover; need to lose more weight.



I thought I had, but was very mistaken. Was quite traumatized, actually. It gave me a big wake up call, and I am no longer actively "looking."

Oh sorry to hear that.

@Kattywampus69 Thank you, I know you're right. Still just a little raw. And congrats to you! That's the best way, when you don't expect it!


A total Bleak dud onThe Dating front. I still like it here, but I've given up on dating.

@maturin1919 yeah that's it


No and I haven't even met anyone in person yet. This site will need to grow a lot more in numbers of women my age in my area before it will be a realistic option for finding someone to date without doing a LD relationship, which I refuse to attempt.

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