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Well, this is a depressing theory:

bigpawbullets 9 Dec 29

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Interesting theory and I suspect that it's more valid than most would care to admit.


I worry more that the Earth is sentient. Technically that would make it our creator; and it would be aware of that fact.


Welcome to the Jungle; '' if you got the money honey, we got your disease''...


Doesn't square with empiical data. The Earth as you are referring to here is inorganic. We are organic. The Earth is constantly generating heat through radioactive decay in the interior. But that is relatively constant and it isn't impacted or affected by atmospheric events. Also your inference ignores the extremely close relationships between global temperature increases and the increased output on fossil fuel output related to the rise of the Industrial Revolution and indusrialism.


Interesting idea and it should make you think.


This planet has gone through how many life forms and how many civilizations and this planet is anything but dead for a reason

Well we don't actually know that. What we know from the fossil and DNA record is that life has evolved on this planet over several periods and through many extinction level events. We are the 6th major extinction and it is happening right now.

Any future intelligence who analyzes the long term history of the planet will be surprised by the thin layer in the rock and perhaps confused about what elements (some radioactive) that it will contain. They will also notice that life before this thin layer (which we can call the Antropocene for lack of a better term) is very different from life afterwards but the layer will mark our contribution - as a species - to the geological history of the planet.

@MissKathleen Oh I think it is a crises alright! I think those who value the continued happiness of their children and grandchildren should definitely consider it a clear and present danger. I do everything I can to live sustainably. I can only do so much but I also am politically active and outspoken. I put environmental much much higher on my voting priority list than the average American.

I think maybe the most important thing that those of us who realize what we face can do is to tell the truth. Just that... It isn't pretty but it is the truth. Yes, we face the 6th major extinction event and it is already well underway.

If we choose to face the crises we may be able to manage it to some extent. Particularly since we like to think of ourselves as intelligent beings. It isn't clear at this telling if we will use our intelligence or not. Recent events have indicated we may not but the tide could still turn.

In further reply to your comment. In my descriptive story of the geology above, I do not indicate whether humans, as a species, will survive this "Anthropocene" or not... I truly don't know.

@MissKathleen It could be solved or at least delayed but the action needed could also wipe us out quicker if not done right.

And that would be to forcibly erupt several volcanoes throughout the world. If they get the ones that produce mainly sulfur dioxide then it would it cloud out areas of the planet thus lowering the overall temperature.

Get it right and the caps reform and will return to a safe state and at least buy us some time.
Get it wrong and it’ll create an ice age which could wipe out a couple of billion humans and several other species.
Or cause the wrong volcano to erupt and it’s chemicals would actually accelerate the warming process. Several volcanologist have tried to point out that while humans have done their part in this that several volcanoes have contributed as well.

They’re not to us that because it’s beyond our control apparently but there’s also another volcanic theory going around that our planet is like a balloon in the sense that heat and cold causes expansion and contraction.

Well the theory is that if the planet continues to heat up it will continue to expand hence the rise in earthquakes and tsunamis and eventually the plated that are holding back the existing super volcanoes will weaken and they’ll pop and if they do then it’ll result in an extended ice age with 80% of the nothern hemisphere being effected.

So we’re not completely done for but the cure could be just as deadly.


George Carlin said during a routine near to his demise that he wasn't worried about the Earth because it would shuck us off and continue.


Wryly humorous comment, with a hint of truth!


Yup. Humans are the disease that causes global warming. 😟

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