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Just curious if everyone is looking forward to the new year?

mjhalpin51 2 Dec 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I haven't been on in a minute, but I am just wondering how everyone is doing? Looking meet new people pool leaders and make some friends with similar interests, and maybe spend sometime together.


I don’t think about the new year coming. Since I don’t know what’s coming, good or bad it will be what it will be. The past is gone so I can’t change that either.


Yes. I know it's silly but 2018 was bad. Next year doesn't look much better for me but I'm changing my attitude in order to get through this bad time.


Inasmuch as one can, I suppose I am. I have no expectation of one year being better than another.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

I guess so: I am ready for 2018 to be over. Now to go an kick 2019's ass before it kicks mine.


Good, bad, or ugly … I don’t know how we can avoid it 😀

Varn Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

Just another day. Humans invented the new year. We should be immediate in seeking to improve both the world and ourselves. I am optimistic about life instead.


Beware of Debbie Downer response:

For the last 2 years, I approached the New Year with hope and optimism. Certainly there are things I’m looking forward to in 2019, but I’m not as optimistic that things will really change for the better for me.


As opposed to being dead and not moving forward into it? Uhhh...sure 😀


Things are looking up. Trump will no longer have carte blanche in our government and Avantasia is releasing the fourth album in the Scarecrow Chronicles in February. In fact, lots of great bands are releasing new records in 2019.

2019 should be at least slightly better than 2017 and 2018 were. Hopefully, it'll be significantly better.

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