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Advertising and academia are controlling our thoughts. Didn’t you know?


No wonder there is False news when advertising and marketing get away with so much........!

Mcflewster 8 Jan 1

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I was raised in a countercultural family and have been aware of various advertising and marketing ploys since I was a pre-teen. I never watch commercials (didn't even own a TV for most of my adult life) and I do my best to be careful about what I allow into my consciousness.


they're not controlling mine. advertising is certainly trying its best to do so. but academia? is this an outburst of anti-intellectualism? are you aware that anti-intellectualism makes advertising's job a hell of a lot easier? touting an opinion piece in which the author apparently misunderstands what is being reviewed IS false news.



That's an opinion piece. It's not like it's a peer reviewed study.


It will happen only to the degree that YOU allow it to happen.

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