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Would you just look at the time!

ProudMary 8 Jan 2

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ha ha I find it oddly humorous that the clock numbers are Roman Numerals...someone either had a sense of humor or was incredibly ignorant of their Bible history....

@ProudMary That is funny! I just find any type of wood plaque with that shiny poly coat to be tasteless decor...kinda like velvet Elvis or dogs playing poker...


Hey dad, it's Me... YOU... your son... Us... Oh hell I don't know. I'm just checking in cause I'm going to be late for curfew.


Jesus didnt have a watch.

@ProudMary Jesus wants a Rolex?

No, but we all know just how much he LIKES to watch.


Who, in their right mind, would find this attractive enough to hang on the wall???????

@ProudMary You have good taste then ProudMary!!!

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