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What is your biggest pet peeve when going to the grocery store?

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orange_girl 8 Jan 3

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When you check out and you are charged more than the price tag on the shelf. It's not even about the extra -- it's the principle of the thing.


I have a few not listed:

  • People that don't put the divider after their items on the conveyor belt
  • People that don't have enough money to pay for their groceries and take ten minutes searching for money they know they don't have. Unless they are children
  • The fact that, in my area, the liquor and batteries are kept in a locked cabinet and must be ordered when checking out and it holds up the line for a few minutes. Maybe stores should have separate checkout stands for those and also for lottery tickets.

You naied it, I bought two shampoos... I had to buy two Condioners the next day to make it even, but one was bigger so it WILL NEVER BE EVEN!


Country music being played at the Fareway store.


Self-service checkouts!

Much rather scan myself but I HATE WAITING TO SHOW MY beer I'D @ age 66


Other...I loathe going shopping mid-day or before 7pm. It never fails that I'll get stuck behind (or between) two motorized carts, begging for an opportunity to slide by without seeming too frustrated. I try to keep in mind that one day, I could be in that position...but to no avail, my "male shopping gene" kicks in and I wanna get the fuck outta the store as fast as possible. I am NOT a shopper by any means of the term. I hate it and would rather scrub fifty-eleven toilets.

@orange_girl shit, they need more of that here in Washington! I'd LOVE to avoid the weekly bullshit.


Access for the disabled inside and outside of grocery stores should be so much better than it is. I occasionally have had to use a scooter, not often thankfully, and navigating and getting your items can be a nightmare.


Other shoppers' inability to walk in a straight line or have any awareness whatsoever that there are people around them, and many people's belief that it's acceptable to be rude to shop staff.

Jnei Level 8 Jan 4, 2019



When you're navigating the aisles, and you have to go around some idiot that parks their cart in the middle of the aisle.

That or the stores (Walmart) not caring about the handicapped when placing their merchandise. The Walmart in my town has the aisles so cluttered that it's impossible to get a handicap cart around the store easily.


When you’re standing in line and it turns out the person in front of you isn’t waiting in line but just reading a tabloid.


Shoppers blocking the aisles so as they can have a bloody chat and give you foul looks if you ask them nicely to let you through.

My most enjoyable thing when in the supermarket is to see people trying to decide or select a shampoo. I go up to them, point my shaven head and tell them, " Don't use that one, look what it did to my hair."



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