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Anyone on that voted for trump and now regrets it? I havent met anyone who acknowledges that as a mistake?

Bigwavedave 8 Jan 5

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Never voted for him. Most. People I know voted Jill Stein.


Nope, cool as I have ever been


I have friends who are corn and soybean farmers in Nebraska. They are the rare Democrats in their town and they tell me the mood around there these days is...just not good.

How so?

It's been in the news for quite some time. Here's a story from last year. []


I've yet to meet anyone who has any regret for supporting 45.
If anything, many of them have dug in even deeper.
I've cut quite a few of them from my life.
It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it might be. I don't even miss them.


i have never voted republican a day in my life, and only ever failed to vote (locally -- never failed nationally) once, EVER, when i was really, really sick and was not yet in the habit of ordering an absentee ballot. however, i have a friend (not a close friend but more than just an acquaintance) who admits to having voted for trump because he didn't like hillary (hasn't got a reason for disliking her, so probably just got caught up in the propaganda) and now admits he regrets it.


Seems like we have two nationally lol


The Trump supporters that I know are even more rabid now.

Yea if they were closet rascist it is ok to be public about it now.


Chatting with an ex-gf the other day and she sheepishly admitted voting for DJT and now regrets it. She still watches Fox news and doesn't believe any of the other news sources. Weird!

Why does she regret it then?

Even Fox news can't hide the overwhelming insanity of this administration.

@jerry99 I'm stunned


I wasn't much if s HRC fan, yet I knew that Cheetos head would fuck us royally and that he was a scum sucking con man. A fucking user. As a veteran I used to list all his shit actions toward vets and "WTF" too many are just blinded by the bigotry.


I have voted Labour every single election since I turned 18. I would vote for JC as he is just about left enough for me. I feel everyone who voted for Trump did so for two reasons, brown people and Hillary Clinton. I believe people voting for Brexit voted for two reasons brown people and some daft nonsense about 1950's UK. Both groups were lied to. I genuinely feel there are hostile influences manipulating people in both countries and as such, I think both countries should have a revote. It is likely that if you tell people they were fooled, they would feel embarrassed to the point were they would be unlikely to change their point of view. If you tell people these extraordinary forces have manipulated them, it is likely they will feel different.
2019 is going to be a big year for us all. Ultimately Brexit will ruin UK and Trump will ruin USA, basically because the powers that be want to sell the British working class to bottom feeding industries and Trump wants to sell you all to Russia. Keep a firm hold, its gonna be a bumpy ride!

I voted remain but I can also see a lot of reasons other than racism why people voted out. The EU is a large bureaucratic monolith that is rife with corruption. Also it galls many that we could not deport someone like Abu Hamza because the European courts said no. There has been a skills shortage in the UK for decades yet companies simply import rather than train. Like I said I voted remain but it is wrong to think that the majority of our country is racist.

@273kelvin No Kelvin, you are absolutely correct Most Brexiteers are not racist...however ALL racists are Brexiteers. I agree with you as regards the EU, unfortunately you can't change the decor of a house if you move out! Its madness and we will lose out. Abu Hamza is a deplorable human being but he alone is not enough reason to destroy the future of an entire generation.

@273kelvin it’s the same thing in America. People come on work Visas as RN’s( like me), engineers, etc. People complain all the time about it and I agree. America doesn’t want to invest in education. If you look at the PISA rankings for 2018, they both didn’t fare so well. In Canada post-secondary education is not free but easily affordable. I was desired as they know Canadian RN’s are highly trained and ready to go.

@Green_eyes Why train your own when you can steal another countries? Unfortunately (I seriously do not intend this to in anyway sound racist) a lot of other countries standards as regards nursing in particular, are not up to the standards of UK or USA (Worked in both). There is a serious problem were nurses from African nations and some countries in SE Asia are massively over represented in the nurses who are the struck off the British register. My colleague is currently looking at the reasons why this might be. I honestly believe you can not have undertrained professionals as a short cut for properly trained people to care for the vulnerable.

@Amisja It is ironic that in a post brexit UK. Non-whites will make up a larger % of the population. Without EU migrants muslims will gradually become a greater demographic as their family size is on average bigger. Plus non EU migrants will tend to be non-white too. Again something that was not thought though by brexiteers.

@Amisja it’s often predatory here. The agency trades them immigration status for work. They make low wages for permanent residency. I’m too savvy for that crap. This is usually RN’s from the Philippines. They are desperate to send money home. I see a lot less of it than I used to. Not many Canadians either. Most have returned home.

@273kelvin exactly


There have been such people on this site but they haven't lasted long.


Could anyone admit to that? They’d lose all their friends or acquaintances and instantly earn the disrespect of everyone else…

Varn Level 8 Jan 5, 2019

I don't know . Lol that's what I am trying to figure out.


Before Trump was elected I know people who were in the habit of frequently posting different things. After the election some of them were posting pro-Trump and racist stuff on Facebook everyday. After Trump had been if office a few months they totally stopped posting ANYTHING. They are apparently ashamed of voting for him and that's as it should be. Trump's campaign rhetoric was entirely focused on wild generalities, exaggerations, lies, and his MAGA mantra but he provided virtually no idea how he specifically would follow up to make that stuff happen. Turns out wild generalities, exaggerations, and lies are was all he had so his supporters got exactly what he promised; exaggerations and lies. I'm sorry but o be duped by such elementary and empty rhetoric is definitely something to be ashamed of.

OCJoe Level 6 Jan 5, 2019

I have noticed less pro trump fb posts, but then I unfriended anyone that was routinely posting it . So I am not sure I have representative data.

@Bigwavedave I quit going to FB as well and unfriended everyone who posted hateful memes and such...if any of my FB "friends" were pro-trump, I don't know about it because they no longer that a sign or have the just lost interest? Not sure...

@thinktwice same here


I know 2 people who strongly supported him who have walked that waaaaay back. There is Hope!

I see you are from ct. I am thinking that there may be some in the northeast and mid west. In the south not so much.

@Bigwavedave true, sadly true


None of the trump supporters in my life have shown any hindsight or remorse either. Only the smartest conservatives who jumped ship early or the people who get fired/harassed/indicted out of his administration who are all too happy to cooperate with mueller will say anything bad about him. Some idiot at work yesterday was still railing about hillary's emails as if ivanka hasnt done the same damn thing or as if orange julius ceasar isnt continuing using an iphone that we know for sure russia and china can both listen to.

I'm hoping the feds, vets, coal workers and farmers whom he's directly ass fucking as we speak are independent minded enough to come to their senses but we'll see.

It seems unlikely to me .

@slydr68 Agree. Raised in Mississippi. Will return to bury my parents and that is it.

@slydr68 same. I love nature and soul food and the music that has poured out from the strife of the south. It's just the mass delusion of the people causing that strife that's the problem.

@DoctoralZombie well Mississippi and Alabama are special kind of shitholes.


I know a few people that don’t like 45 but were “never Hillary” voters. They are regretting that vote as they are seeing she would have been a far better choice after all.


@Bigwavedave yes, my county is actually one of the most diverse in the country and democratic. If you look back at 2016 45 only got 52% of the vote in Texas... we are turning purple!

@Green_eyes is that Harris county?

@Bigwavedave Fort Bend

@Green_eyes I just looked it up. I didnt realize the city of Houston was in multiple counties. ..


Most people will not admit they voted for this idiot. There are those who still ride around with bumper stickers they cannot get off also.


We sent out a holiday letter to many of our friends that we skipped last year because we knew they had voted for him...

We have been getting phone calls from quite a few of them who regret their decision and are back in our circle of friends...I understand why they did it but I also knew that they would regret it...

@PalacinkyPDX These are not people I hang with...they are friends from the past that we just like to keep in touch with occasionally...I have not nor will I forgive or be in contact with anyone who voted for him out of any racial, sexual or religious reasons...I am not that forgiving either.

@PalacinkyPDX I find that my Jewish friends that did not vote for him are at odds with me on this issue as well...and that they are much more anti-Islam than I would have expected...I blame it on religion,,,my brother voted for Trump as well, but because he was working with people in a blue collar field that felt left sister is a life long Republican and did not vote for him...we are all three in agreement now, with my brother being the most vocal on FB...he is quite angry for being "fooled"...might have something to do with losing a job that he was "promised" would be save by Trump...I would have impacted our close family...

@PalacinkyPDX My sister and I are both very good at persuasive arguments...we tag teamed my brother... 😉

@PalacinkyPDX He actually was the one who made me realize tRump was going to win that sister and I are in different economic and educational levels than he is...we both agreed that we had been hiding in our ivory towers and ignoring him and others like was eye-opening for our entire some ways, it brought us much closer and made me more empathetic...I am listening and paying more attention than I ever did in previous elections...I won't make this mistake twice.


The people who voted for tRump NEVER admit it was a mistake - they double down - that's why things are getting worse instead of better.

Vera see post above.... I don't know any. Maybe each state is a bit different.

@Bigwavedave My friends live in almost every state and country around the is different for each person...many just voted out of habit for the party they also did...some wanted a change...some were rich business people...the reasons were all varied...

@thinktwice I was responding rather generically. I'm sure there are people who voted for him who now have buyers remorse - the people that I personally know who voted for him have become strident defenders of every stupid thing he has done. I guess my biggest issue is that so few of the people wanting change actually didn't bother to do a little digging into his past before they voted for him. We're not talking about a guy who was a stand up citizen with good ethics and morals. It was very well known that this was a corrupt, morally bankrupt and ethics challenged individual whose family had mob ties for years. The rich business people all yawned and said "meh - so he's a long as he can make my portfolio grow I really don't care". All water under the bridge - I know - but this needs to be a wake up call before we find ourselves morphing into a banana republic.

@Lavergne I have been following him since 1979 so I know what a POS he is...not all rich people voted or support him...

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