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Talk about a knockout

RobertMartin 8 Jan 5

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Not very funny at all.

Carin Level 8 Jan 6, 2019

That's one brave person to reach for breast instead of the muscle.


This picture bothers me! That’s clearly not a man’s hand and now I’m not allowed to be offended! 😩

I'll try harder next time lol

Some girls do have guns like that. Not many tho.

@TheGreatShadow ? I was referring to the hand coming out of the blue shirt ?

@48thRonin that's TURQUOISE, you fool!

@AnneWimsey Actually sea foam if you want to go that route. And I know that back in the late 1800’s fool was a popular word but maybe it’s time to let it go. ?

@48thRonin would you prefer "dickwad" or "asswipe"? This is me attempting "nice", excuuuusssseee meeeeeeeee.

So now we're gonna split hairs about the color ?????????

@RobertMartin as a former professional seamstress, I claim authority on that! As a former nuclear sub shipyard worker, I claim authority on swearing, too!

@AnneWimsey Wow do you kiss your cats with that mouth!? ?

@48thRonin I have dogs. I hate cats.

@AnneWimsey Well ok do you kiss those poor animals with that mouth? And I’m sure that the cat population is fine with y’all’s relationship status.

@48thRonin why you so interested about what my mouth is doing? Oh, wait, you've heard......

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