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45 says he can "relate" to those federal employees who will not be getting a paycheck. He says that most of them support what he's trying to do.
He also says he may declare a "national emergency" so that he can bypass Congress and just go ahead and build the wall.
He's so full of shit, I bet you can smell it emanating off of him if you're standing close enough.

KKGator 9 Jan 6

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The only things the idiot-in-chief can relate is a Big Mac & pro wrestling. Of course he lies about public support, we expect that. When this temporary shutdown cessation is over, declaring a "national border emergency" will allow him skirt the legislative process & Pelosi. I hope Mueller gets him & Pence before that can happen. I want my tax dollars help us all, not erect a dumb wall.

Even if he declares a "national emergency", he's still not going to get his
stupid wall. There will immediately be multiple court challenges, and he will be tied up with them until his term ends. IF he even lasts that long.

If he declares a national emergency, it will be the end of his "presidency".
He will lose any attempt at re-election.
That's if Mueller doesn't get him first.


To Hair Furor, all working people are just here to be fleeced. If he actually "related" to them, he wouldn't use them as pawns.
And that bit about declaring a national emergency? Former White House counsel Bob Bauer has several warnings for 45 in this column from The Atlantic. Spoiler alert: There are a lot of ways this stunt could blow up in his face.



You do not need to be close , I smell him in Ct.He wants a monument to his name the wall.

Why wouldn't he slap his name on the wall? He's done it with just about everything else. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to rename the White House.


His word has no value.


The border wall is a scam designed to pump up his misinformed/ idiotic base. If there is a national emergency, it's Trump himself. His removal is not far off.

I do hope 45's end is near. Go Mueller!


I think he may have created a bunch of new Democrats! You go, Cheeto!


Trump is a child throwing a tantrum for not getting what he wants. It's embarrassing having him as a "president".


Please excuse an Out-sider for asking, BUT is the '45' in reference to him being the 45th President or to his I.Q. or just both of them?

@irascible You think? It'd put it at about somewhere lower that the I.Q. of the Australian Wombat at the least.

No need to excuse you for anything. It's a reasonable question.
I refuse to refer to him as anything but a number.
As far as his IQ goes, I would imagine it's somewhere in the negative integers, like -4.

His IQ is actually closer to his shoe size.... just sayin' 😉

@Lavergne You mean he still wears babies bootees....LOL.


I can smell it from here


All because he cannot admit he is wrong. But someday he will be behind his own personal concrete walls; three of them, with steels bars for the fourth.

godef Level 7 Jan 6, 2019



I bet he has never been to a national museum or park...he relates to no he going to pay their rent or put food on the table? A spoiled rich brat throwing a temper tantrum until he gets his way...someone go out and buy him a set of legos so he can build his wall...

I heard his favorite show is Sneaky Pete. But I doubt it; at least "Sneaky Pete" does have some compassion.


Pretty sure he'll text all of us first.


I don't need to be close at all; I can smell it from here.


The republicans have made their bed and have chosen to lie in it - a Trump bed of shit. One thing - at first a shit bed is soft and warm, but then you realize you can't ever get the stench off.

@Byrdsfan never tried it, just using logic and facts to extrapolate

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