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Today has sucked donkey balls!

  1. Had to have bloodwork done - the nurse couldn't get her shit straight...stuck me twice, to which left both arms stinging. I doubt she could've found her ass from a hole in the ground....let alone surface veins, which I DID advise and alert her to. I told her that I don't have deep veins and that they're very close to the surface.

  2. Got messaged by a co-worker; a position that I'd previously expressed interest in(Too both assistant manager and general manager), was INSTANTLY given to a newb! The newb has been employed with my company, for all of 6 months.
    I never miss a day of work...NEVER. I have perfect attendance for nearly 3 years(This February). My stats are great, my capabilities are great...what in THE fuck does this dude have that I don't? I would be sexist, and say he's got a dick but I'm not sexist, just immensely angry, at present, so I'm thinking about all sorts of assholish thoughts. I'm human. I'm pissed.

  3. Had errands to run and all of the sudden, my ABS and 4 wheel drive lights come on and it made my truck act funky EVERY time I had to make a left turn. I'll spend tomorrow in financial pain. I've had the truck since November. For shits sake, I've only been to Seattle ONCE in it...a 4 hour trip. Gotta get it fixed before my vacation next month, so now I've gotta dip into my retirement fund. Oh, the pleasure.

Rant, fin.

Twisted185 6 Jan 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Sorry to hear of it. Some days are better canceled due to lack of interest!

Employers are often pretty random about who they hire. I have generally given up trying to parse their "criteria".

Even as an independent contractor I have really weird shit happen, like someone green-lighting a project and setting up an initial project phone call, missing the call, and going "dark" and never responding or being heard from again.

You're within your rights to ask your managers why you weren't even considered for the job. It's fun to watch them squirm, and you also may get some useful feedback (although, don't hold your breath). Best to cool down first, though. Keep it professional.

Best feedback I ever got upon losing a project bid was that my hourly rates were too low to be credible. I immediately raised my rates by a full third, and damn if I didn't lose my two worst clients and pick up three much better ones, and no one else even blinked. It was a great lesson. Business decisions are seldom rational. You'd think that great attendance and performance metrics would give you the inside track, but it may turn out to be something completely surprising like that.


I'm sorry for your horrible day. I hope tomorrow will be better for you.


Sounds better than mine and you have a retirement fund. Tomorrow is another day.


Sorry you had such a rough day. Seems everything crappy comes at once. Only good side is you get it all out of the way at once, although the costs completely suck.Best of luck in the battle.


Yep, you've definitely had a shitty day. And if your truck is a Ford, I'm not surprised. Sending you lots of hugs..

And about that managerial position, someone would be hearing from me. HR or District or Corporate. Fuck that! My civilian employers know better than to put me through this. They recognise my work and what I bring to the company. They know I have no problem quitting and finding another job.

Yeah, unfortunately, it's a Ford. I know, I know...Fix Or Repair Daily. I did a bit of internet diagnostics and it's much in line with a worn speed sensor in the drive side hub. I'm just hoping that they don't have to replace the entire hub.
I don't have the time or patience to watch a YouTube video to do it myself (I'm not completely illiterate when it comes to vehicles - I replaced a master/slave cylinder in a Toyota that I had...watching a YouTube video). I do, however, have just enough $$$ to get it fixed, without going completely bankrupt. So, good news there.

As far as the blood sucking nurse thing - when a patient tells a nurse/phlebotomist (because they do know their OWN FUCKING BODY) what to expect if they poke too deeply, there should be at least a consideration, to wit; the patient KNOWS THEIR OWN FUCKING BODY...and knows when something isn't right.

The position?; I'm just gonna start looking for another job; I'm not on board with giving 110% of my capabilities and then getting shit on. I have to suck it up until then - they love when I'm there every single fucking scheduled day, but they're not gonna like it when I hand in my resignation.


Sorry about the bloodwork - as a leukemia survivor (blood cancer) I have some horror stories to tell.


Pretty rude to complain about the blood draw. They do their best. They know where the veins are. You’re not forced to get your blood drawn and they don’t get paid to be scrutinized by people that lack consideration for what they do.

Nothing is 100% in life and that includes nurses who draw blood. My ex-fiance authors the top selling certified medical assistant book in the USA and she will tell you that almost all know how to draw blood but there is always that small but significant percentage that can barely do it right. They have temperature sensitive equipment that are used to locate veins now that show exactly where they are. They are temperature specific to the vein. The nurse probably should have used one on her.


They have lights now to look for veins. Did they use one? I'd ask about that next time. Or ask for a chemo phlebotomist - because they rock at hitting veins.

The rest you've already received some good advice on. Hang in there. That was a stinking lousy day.

Shit no! The Lab Corp here has none of that stuff and to my knowledge, the only place that they might be used, here, is in the NICU at the two hospitals around. The only thing I can be happy about, is that they were opened on a Sunday and I was able to get things done before my other appointment on Friday.

@Twisted185 Oh gees - my lab doesn't use them either - but I hear stories you know? I have terrible veins - they are tiny and they branch out more often than they are supposed to and they roll away from the needle? Yup.

If it gets any worse I will find out where the good nurses are located and head there. Good fortune.

I just posted in another area about those devices. They probably should be standard equipment in offices that draw blood.

@yamaha45701 Absolutely! There are many reasons that veins can be hard to find. And I'm amazed they ever find the buggers - it's a big of poke for them blindly if you ask me?
So why not! I mean gees.
We aren't meant to be poked with needles to extract blood - let's make this easier for everyone! 😉


Wow your day really did suck donkey balls. Drink a glass of wine, set something on fire, you'll feel better.

Oh and the job thing, from my observation, it's more about personality meshing than competence. Which sucks royally. I'm sure you're very skilled, perhaps the newb just speaks the hiring persons language.

The newb can kiss my rosy red Apache ass; he apparently knows that lingo really well.


I'm so sorry it's pouring on you at this time. Seems bad stuff does happen in batches. Wonder if the newbie at work is connected to the person who made the decision or is just a kiss ass that got it that way. I do know in my work experience it always seemed like loyalty, dedication, and performance never mattered much in who got what from the bosses. Sucks to get used by bosses.


When I have a shit day I try to remind myself that I'm very lucky to have these first world problems ♥


That sucks. I'm sorry to hear that.

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