Y'all are gonna take this the wrong way, but I don't mean it that way, nor am I using the word as an insult, but a description.
Sluts. I attract sluts.
I'm an introvert, and I'm not good at the whole "hey womn my name is Bilbo u wnt sum fuk or nah?" game spitting deal, so all but one of my partners has approached me and expressed interest first. This isn't to suggest forward, confident women are sluts, they are not, but these particular women were.
And that's OK. I'm not insecure in myself, so it's not really a problem, but I was also just not compatible with any of them, not enough for a long-term gig.
Dust...I attract dust ?
All we are
"All we are is dust in the wind..."
There is no way for me to know. There are probably women out there who might be attracted to me, and l either don't pick up the vibe or there is no vibe because they don't put one out there. So l mostly know the ones l am attracted to, and the occasional woman l do pick up on their vibe, but I am not interested in going there. They have all been different.
I attract intelligent and insightful people...like me, they listen, and they enrich my life and theirs with their natural gifts of curiosity, interest, and kindness.
I also attract nut cases at the other end of the spectrum...classic ying and yang, I guess...lol...
Cats and dogs, apparently. Dogs know I'm one of them, cats know I'm the guy putting the food in the bowls.
Good things, starting after I pulled my head out of my ass and stopped whining and complaining.
Thanks, Kim. You gave me a great big belly laugh!
@TomMcGiverin I’m glad!
I met Nick at the gym. He is an extremely fit, handsome, kind, generous millionaire who is a passionate hiker like me. He loves my positive energy, humor and intelligence.
Today we walked (I ran a bit) for two hours, while he showed me where he grew up. We have gotten together every day.
He lives 10 miles away. I feel surprised and delighted.