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I just have a general question for everybody on here: does anyone really buy into politics, politicians , elections Etc? Does anybody really believe any of that stuff is real at this point? You have to ask yourself why are all politicians Millionaires and billionaires? On any level of voting do you think any of it is real? Do you believe that our president is just a spokesperson or a public speaker for a group of business people? Does it even matter what puppet is president and do they have anything to do with your everyday life? Why do people argue and fight over politics? Do you think all of the political debates are real or are they just like watching WWE wrestling and it's all scripted all fake voting is fake? It just seems to me that it's all pretty obviously fake as a divide-and-conquer strategy to get people fighting each other all the time over silly as shit.. if you really think about it, probably the majority of your politicians are all large shareholder investors in all of the large companies we work for, buy products,gasoline from and so forth.. so why do the masses think politics and politicians work for the regular working class human being? Does anybody still really believe in any of these corrupt systems?

tacomaa6 5 Jan 14

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Well, I am fascinated with politics and political news. I feel it's my civic duty to stay informed. Elected officials in positions of power are supposed to represent the will of the people...they either do or they don't. Too many of them represent the will of the wealthy and privileged. Politicians typically get voted into office because they promise to make decisions for the electorate and to support policies for the common good. If they fail to live up to their promises, they are voted out. Too many Senators and members of Congress have been in office TOO long and have been personally enriched in unethical ways. I think it is the right of the citizen to make sure Congress and the President are held accountable when they fail to fulfill their constitutional duties for the American people. That being said, I am not happy with the current state of government in the U.S. There is too much in campaigns and term limits would be a step in the right direction. I will continue to support and vote for the people who speak against Trump, Pence, the GOP Congress, and the corrupt political/economic climate we have now: Bickering, Finger-Pointing, and very little economic improvement in the lives of the working class and poor in America today. We have the most ineffective Congress in my lifetime of 56 years. And don't get me started on the executive branch.....DT is a con-man. So, in my long-winded way of answering your questions, being apathetic and cynical about politics doesn't make it go away....there are real consequences when the public stops paying attention.


And they’re gone!! Lol




Sometimes I wonder if people say a lot of stupid shit to be provocative (and maybe collect points) or if they really believe it?


Politicians Have always, and always will, say and do what ever it takes to be elected.
On that alone I don't really trust any of them fully.

I'm sure that there have been quite a few, (possibly a great deal more) that are non believers, From town officials all the way to the presidency. But can never say that because they simply won't get elected.

Just once I would love to see an official, with no prospects or desire to running farther, come out and say, you know I am not a believer, and haven't been the whole time in office. I would imagine that would spark others to do the same, and so on. Well it's a dream of mine, but it is inevitable to happen one day.

So for me, I rarely ever listen to any speeches of any one running for office.
I'll do my own research of what they have been in the past,Meaning what they actually did, rather what they say/ said. and then decide.


Why worry, be happy.


How funny you are Tacomaa6. You block people who are simply trying to have a conversation with you and want to understand why you posted something. Did I hit a nerve with my response? I hope so because until we can start listening to one another nothing will change.

@Shouldbefishing probably. He removed all of his responses then left. We were being mean by questioning his post.


Yes, and If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.


Don't vote, don't bitch ?


You could take a cynical view and say that it does not matter which party is elected to office because the representation of vested interests, that is, the people with money and the banks ensure that the vast majority of the electorate get screwed.

@tacomaa6 So you don't vote, sincerely in you heart have always felt like it's a complete and total front, yet you ask a question like the one you posted and think that helps anything? Why bother even asking the question if you're tired of hearing what others think? You sound like a lot of people I've known, worry, bitch, but offer no suggestions for helping the situation. Our system is what we have to work with. WE either do something to change it or sit back and ask questions that do nothing to help.

@tacomaa6 ? The reasons as to why people vote or do anything for that matter are as probably varied as the people themselves. I wonder how you hope to effect a change that is more in tune with what you think or feel should be the case? You have shared your discontent on here, however, do have an alternative solution?

@tacomaa6 The problem with writing in forums like this is that you don't know whether someone is being rude sometimes or simply stating the obvious, and you don't like their answer. There is plenty WE the people can do to help ourselves and build coalitions to bring about change. There are also plenty of people who are doing this. It is a nice community of people here who take what is happening to our Government seriously, and are quite angry and upset about trump and his crap. You were basically just curious but stated you were tired of someone else's comment. You, in my opinion were the rude one for not asking that person what they felt would help. You cut them off from conversation by responding "nice, real classy". If you truly wanted to start a conversation about a subject you are obviously passionate about, then YOU need to listen too. YOU need to ask the questions that help a conversation go on.

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