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What is your opinion of OgoPogo Nessie and other "monsters" in freshwater lakes?

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Bendog 7 Jan 19

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I'm not a believer in monsters, but aberrations in nature occur all the time. Meanwhile, lake monster stories are great for the tourism industry and inspire adrenaline-boosting talk around a campfire. Good fun!

Deb57 Level 8 Jan 20, 2019

I say maybe because it is likely people are seeing something but whatever they are seeing can easily be distorted by the humidity over the water, the movement of the water, the trick of light on the water.... it really could be anything. I spent enough time on and around water to know you can easily misunderstand what it is you are looking at.

AmyLF Level 7 Jan 20, 2019

Where there's one there's more. If Nessie was real there would hundreds if not thousands of them.


Oh, where is Mo Mo when you need him? He's not sited in the Lake of the Old Sharks. Maybe he wasn't a lake monster. Oh, well.

@Bendog Yep!


I like the idea of it a bit like the tooth faery and old santa it nice I think for children to have a cute story they grow older and get the joke and then for a little while they are amused at the joke and its harmless enough.


I'm open to verifiable proof. Life has been found by thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean, bacteria has been found in the lakes under the ice sheet of Antarctica, a verifiable proof of the above has not been found.


There is no reason believe any of them. It's all wishful thinking, just like a belief in a god.


One must always allow for a chance, regardless of how slim. On the other hand, once something that is thought to exist in a restricted volume, such as Loch Ness, has been sought for more than a few years, one probably should say enough at some point. Where that point is, I don't know.


Don't know about Ogopogo but Nessie, the Loch Ness monster, usually puts in an appearance just before the tourist season kicks off so he/she is probably employed by the Scottish Tourist Board. Those mythological beasts are probably based on something.There has been a Christian settlement at what is now Fort Augustus, at the south end of Loch Ness for hundreds of years and the first reported sighting was by a monk from there. He supposedly said he saw a "beast". So it may have been a bear if it was early enough, and before they were killed off in Scotland, or he may have been hallucinating from fasting and meditating in his cell for days.


"not a chance" just takes all the fun out of it.

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