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Medicare for all - are you for or against it?

I've never had a hospital bill in my life. And I've had asthma since birth, my mother and I had to spend two weeks in the hospital after I was born, I've had jaw surgery aswell as multiple injuries from playing sports. Total cost to me: $0.

Now, I know it's not "free". It's an insurance system, which is funded by the tax money of the Swedish people, but I can not IMAGINE having to deal with co-pays, deductables and the insurance company trying everything they legally can to avoid paying their share. My insurance company is the Swedish government.

Now, this doesn't mean it's a completely socialist system. It's a mix. There are both public and privately owned for profit institutions, but they're all publicly funded. You can also get supplementary private health insurance, but all that does is pay you for damages due to lost work hours etc.

How do you Americans on this site handle the notion of being on the edge of financial ruin at any given moment, based on nothing but the luck of the draw? The most common reason for declaring personal bankruptcy in the U.S. is medical bills. I can not fathom that stress.

I LOVE publicly funded, single payer health care. It's a lot cheaper too. The U.S. pays around double that which Sweden pays for its health care, per capita. So, in theory, conservatives would be for it too, right? They at least claim to want to minimize government spending.

If you are against a Single Payer Health Care system - please explain it to me. How can you justify paying more, for lesser outcomes? And you are NOT allowed to use "wait lines" as an argument. Waiting lines are for ELECTIVE procedures. Here, we ration care by need - not by the size of your wallet.

  • 55 votes
  • 7 votes
BornAtheist 4 Jan 19

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28 comments (26 - 28)

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I think healthcare is a human right. I don’t know if Medicare is the specific solution we need but certainly some kind of universal care system is in order. And fuck all of the “why should I have to pay...” sadists. You lose nothing while we all gain something. That’s why.


Why should someone who refuses to pay a penny for health care have the same health care as someone who does works hard and pays for insurance? Besides anytime the government starts running something it generally fails to function properly.

I guess the health of a poor person isn’t as important as the health of a rich person.

You realize you are saying different classes should have significantly different opportunities for taking care of their own health.


Sounds similar to the UK, but the NHS (national health service) is struggling due to the fact that people are living longer and in old age have more health issues.

But the NHS is public institutions only, am I wrong? I think it could be securely funded through shifting more of the tax burden to the banks and financial firms in The City.

@BornAtheist it could, but with the conservatives in power (fully bought and paid for by the top 1%) that ain't ever gunna happen.

@Hebert54 Sure it is underfunded but it is constantly requiring a larger percentage of the taxation fund because of an aging population and peoples expectations.

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