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MAGA-hatted Catholic students shown mocking Native Americans at Indigenous Peoples March after DC antichoice demo

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josh_karpf 7 Jan 19

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Saw this shared a couple times on FB. Pretty much half the comments were condemning them while the other half claimed it was faked in order to make Trump supporters look bad. Like really.. you don't need to make stuff up to make Trump supporters look bad.

@fatherofnyx There are too many different videos of this one for them to deny it for long. One interesting thing though, they DO recognize that it makes them look bad. They should be horrified.


It's being talked about a lot on Facebook. That ignorant little boy is famous now.

I look at him and would have a hard time not smacking that smirk off his face

@Gwendolyn2018 Something tells me he is glorified I'm delighted for the attention


The enormity of this made me cry.

@patchoullijulie Me too. 😟 Especially when I saw Nathan Phillips, the native elder, talking about it afterwards and wiping away his own tears.

@GinaKay Yep that was the point that I cried too. Up until that point my feelings were of disappointment, anger and frustration. I would like to say that I don't understand that type of hate......but then I remember my feelings for trump and the GOP. ?


MAGA has become synonymous with all that is evil with 'merca.

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