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Has anybody investigated to see if Trump's father was one of the Nazis that the government secretly let in to the US at the end of WWII. Donald had to have received his fascist training somewhere. You know what they say. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

t1nick 8 Jan 19

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In the 60's Trump's father and Trump claimed to be of Swedish ancestry so as not to offend potential Jewish renters.


His father marched with the KKK. I believe he also belonged to the Nazi Party.


SMFH ? the information is actually out there.
His grandfather came here won a lot of money gambling then he opened up saloons and whore houses wherever he could for a couple of decades.

Then he tried to go back to Germany they wouldn’t let him back because he didn’t serve in the military at the age he was supposed to. So he came back here and began again. Trump’s father was born here but I do believe that his uncle did go to Germany and was brought back over during operation paper clip.

He just like other Nazi scientists found their way into NASA and ironically the Department of Defense.
Ironically Trump’s uncle was the one who examined Nikola Tesla’s notes and blueprints when he died and declared that there was nothing of worth to be found. Go figure right?

So no trump’s father was busy running slums and other illicit activities throughout parts of New York City. But good assumption though

Thanks for the info. Your right; go figure.


He is first generation....right?

Like Elizabeth Warren my family has been here several generations, and there is some first people linage.

With several generations of the tree going back to 1760 or so?

I can see his weak gene mind not understanding.

Join the club, my clan landed in Chatham, Mass about same time as yours. The Nickerson Museum in Chatham is his homestead.

Same here, both counts.. (first people linage, and 1700's)


Trump's Grandfather emigrated to the US from Germany in the 19th Century, they had a belief, similar to part of Nazi doctrine, that they had superior genes. So the fascism would come in part from that belief although the Nazi's adopted that rather than perhaps invented or initiated it.

Eugenics. In an interview in the 70's or 80's, I believe that Donald mentioned he believed in Eugenics

@t1nick It's got to be along the same lines although from what I saw it was more a matter of fact with him that he had superior genes, the genes of a winner as opposed to a loser. There wasn't mention of improvement but he manipulates so much and is ignorant of so much he probably did say it.

@ipdg77 Eugenics was popular among the rich between the early part of the Century to the late 80's.

@t1nick That fits right in with the Trumps

@ipdg77 yup

Weimer Republic?


That would make an awful lot of sense.
Unfortunately, his official bio says he was born in the Bronx, in 1905.
I wouldn't put anything past him, or the government though.

Question is, who wrote his bio? Just sayin'. Lol

@t1nick All I know is that it wasn't me. Beyond that, nary a clue.

@KKGator. Something to do in your spare time. Lol

@t1nick I honestly don't care enough to look.

@KKGator lol, me either if truth be told.

Have we seen his birth certificate..?


I have looked into it. His dad was a nazi sympathizer. The rest I can't confirm.

As I might have guessed.

@powder As Walt Disney was, as Henry Ford was, as Errol Flinn was supposedly. The list of American renowned is quite long.

@t1nick Ford didn't like Jews, but I don't think he was a nazi...

@TheGreatShadow. I heard somewhere in my education that he was a Nazi sympathiser, not a registered Nazi.

@t1nick I need to do some more research, I can't find a lot. Hell, I thought he was kind of a nice guy. Might have to rethink that when evidence pops up.

@TheGreatShadow. Being a nice guy in public was necesaary, he was selling a product. But in the private mens clubs maybe not so much. Public persona vs. Private persona. Not totally sure either.

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