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Minimum wage aside.

How about a company that has employees that need any federal assistance, pay a severe financial tax penalty.

After all if a Walmart employee works 40 hours and still needs SNAP?

You are actually giving money to Walmart in paying that employee.

And then Walmart gets those same SNAP dollars.

Yet you still blame the working poor?

BufftonBeotch 8 Jan 20

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and here I still am!


What if you are a family man working by being a member of the USA armed forces and need welfare to keep your family well. It is true , many of our service personal are on some type of welfare and that is a shame.

That is unfortunate but military pay, like pay in the private sector, is not based on family size.

@Rob1948 It isn't based uipon a living wage either..

@Marine nor does it take into account that someone in the military may have a family. Nor does it reflect the risk to life and they undertake. Nor does it account for the sacrifices they make nor their near 24/7/365 commitment to service.

But, the single non-commissioned service member does have access to free medical, free housing, free clothing, free meals. Add in those and a living wage is not a concept that is applicable. (I’m not disagreeing with your basic comment, just that one detail, Marine.)

Thanks for your service.

@Rob1948 I had vto purchase my uniforms after the first issue. This issue did not include formal military dress like the Bule uniform Marines are known for, When i was stationed in Ca those who had families off base were given an allowance for food and housing. The amount would barely give them a tent and hot do If the wife did not work they would not make it without welfare.


Walmart employees don't work 40 hours for the most part. That would make them eligible for benefits.


OK. Here is a plausible example. You work for a company as a cashier. The prevailing wage for a cashier where you live is $19,000. Your employer, being the nice fellow that he is, pays you $24,000 — a very generous sum. You draw SNAP benefits because you have three children. You also get other state and federal benefits.

Should your employer pay a severe financial penalty because you draw SNAP and other benefit payments?

My answer is “No.” employers should not be penalized because an employee draws federal benefits. An employer should pay a fair wage for work done by its employees. But, the employer should not be responsible for the personal situations of their employees beyond paying a fair wage for the work being done.

If you want to penalize an employer because an employee draws benefits, that puts an employer in an awkward situation of having costs it can not control, can not predict and, for small employers, may not be able to pay. And, you cannot run a business (of any size) that way.

It’s not just a matter of whether Walmart pays its employees well enough. You are asking employers to pay employees not just a fair wage for a job but to also pay an employee on other factors such as the number of dependents in the family. (Hint most benefits are based on family size and income.) Family size is not an employer’s responsibility and they should not be penalized because of it.

Here’s a prediction, if we were to penalize employers for employees drawing federal benefits, they will not be eager to hire employees with families.

Also, trying to administer such a program would be a nightmare for employers and for the government.

A better solution, beyond employers paying fair wages would be to ensure affordable housing for individuals and families, good transportation systems, reasonable child care options, and affordable medical care. Also, benefits should taper off as income rises, not be cut off at $X level. And, income taxes for those below a certain income level should cease to exist.

So taxpayers are responsible for paying that employers employees.

Notice. No question mark.

@BufftonBeotch so. You think that an employer should pay me more because I have children than someone, doing the same job, that has no children.

Notice: it’s no t a question.

@icolan they weren’t. But, that only complicated it further.

I’ll make the same comment to you as well.

So. You think that an employer should pay me more because I have children than someone, doing the same job, that has no children.

Notice: it’s not a question.

@Rob1948 You voted for dtrump.

It's not a question.

@BufftonBeotch no. I did not.

If a single person is paid $15000 to work. How much should a single mother with three children be paid to do the same job.

That’s a question.

Not a stupid assumption.

@Rob1948 A single person could not survive on 15K.

Long past the time to bring back the beautiful blade.

@BufftonBeotch OK. Make it $20,000. Now, how much would you pay a single mother to do the same job? Or, since you are nitpicking, pick a number to pay the single person and tell me how much you want that business to pay the single mother of three for the same job?

@Rob1948 How much should the tax payer pay the employee rather than the employer?

THAT -- is the question, SIR.

@BufftonBeotch no. Its not the question. If you think I suggested that, I suggest you reread what I wrote. If you think that taxpayers should be paying the employees of a business, then answer my question... telling me the amount that taxpayers (or the business) should pay a single woman with three children.

And, if you think taxpayers should pay employees (and not businesses), tell us how such a system would work. And, what economic system does that now.

@Rob1948 If we are paying for food stamps?

We ARE paying WalMart.


@BufftonBeotch then, would it be correct to say that you believe that Walmart should pay a single mother of three more money than it would a single person for doing the same job?

@Rob1948 And you believe tax payers should.

@BufftonBeotch you’re ducking the questions and putting words I did not say in my mouth. Answer the damn question as it is written, please.

@Rob1948 And you are not answering MINE!

Someone has to feed those kids!

Or should we just neuter everyone?

@BufftonBeotch look. I would happily answer your question but I asked and you comment. Then you put words in my mouth and then ask me a question. That is rude.

Obviously, you are ducking the question. You have said I voted for Trump. I hate the idiot. I did not vote for him. Do I think taxpayers should pay employees? No. Nor do I think the government should let people starve. Or go without healthcare. Or housing. I also do not think that employers have to address every ill of society.

You imply in your responses that I think the government should pay employees. You are playing with semantics to try and put words in my mouth. You also suggest that the government already is and have hinted that they should and come across as if that is bad.

Now, quit playing damn games. Answer the damn question. It’s very straight forward. Should a single mom with three kids be paid more for the same job than a single person with no kids?

@Rob1948 No we should pull the eldest child out of school and make it pick cotton.

@BufftonBeotch you are exactly your name. And, quite frankly, not any better than Trump.

@Rob1948 I am not conforming to your whims?

@BufftonBeotch You are rude and disruptive. It is not a matter of confirming to anyone’s whims. You are conducting a nonsensical discourse with no intent other than to be disruptive. If it’s your intent to get me to insult you, you won’t get your wish. You may think your behavior cute, but it is immature, childish buffoonery. It is something that I would expect from a spoiled brat intent on getting their way. The adult equivalent to being a brat is your behaving like a troll.

You are an adult. Obviously, you have no interest in behaving like one. That’s a pity. You might actually have had something of value to add to the conversation. I guess we will never know.

@Rob1948 How exactly should I behave to please you?

@BufftonBeotch I have nothing more to say to you as long as you continue to behave immaturely.


Everyone knows it's not the poor. It's the rich and powerful taking advantage of the poor in order to make themselves richer. There aren't many 'fair' companies out there, but there has to be a few (I hope).


You make sense. Lots of it.

No one, who can actually DO anything about it, will listen to you.

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