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Anyone have a sewing pattern or know where I can buy one for this? I am able to modify if necessary.

Amisja 8 Jan 21

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I would check the lingerie patterns....I do not envy you fighting with chiffon...

I do a lot. I have a technique

@Amisja 20 years ago I would have shown up at your house, begging you to show me!

@AnneWimsey I just stiffen the fabric with spray starch then was it out after I sew it.

@Amisja thanks for the tip!


Sorry if I offended you as an artist, that wasn't my intention. I worked as an upholster years ago. That's what we had to do. There isn't a pattern that you can buy for a bucket seats in a 67 Corvette. I felt like I was an artist by being able to recreate the seat from the remnants that were left to work from.

Glad you explained...but seriously, buying and returning clothing, as is common around prom time, is plain old stealing no matter what you tell is low class and increases costs for everyone...


Sorry if I offended you as an artist, that wasn't my intention. I worked as an upholster years ago. That's what we had to do. There isn't a pattern that you can buy for a bucket seats in a 67 Corvette. I felt like I was an artist by being able to recreate the seat from the remnants that were left to work from.

Wasn't me...just £130 is too expensive to tear apart

@Amisja I get it, but I just want to drop it after getting attacked about artistic rights. I could do it without taking it apart, but I didn't consider artistic rights for the reasons that I stated. So, I defer.

@Unclehotrod It wasn't me who complained lovey

@Amisja I know, just trying to get used to this site and how to respond to someone specically. I think I've got it now.

@mzbehavin okay cool, I just resorted to my training.


I would check Simplicity or McAll's to see if you can find something similar. Note sure how much luck you're going to have finding the pattern for this exact dress. You might also check for online patterns that you can download....although I've never tried to print one off on a normal printer, so don't know how hard that is

EDIT - yes, I know how to sew and a very very little about patterns. LOL


Thats cool. When I lived in USA I made costumes for Renaissance fares. (I tried REEEEALLY hard not to eyeroll at the fakey fake British accents!)

@Amisja Blimey be bloody annoying I suspect! 😀 Does me typing Cockney grate against ye knickers?

@jondspen erm...whatdya reckon? 😉



Can you change the top to make it a sweethear neckline? Should be easy if you line the top...

Shouldn't be too difficult


There might be something adaptable in the Vogue Patterns may be. This site has links to Vogue, McCall's, and Butterick patterns (Kwik Sew too but I wouldn't expect evening or formal wear from Kwik Sew). I used to work at fabric shops that sell patterns as well. I can look through my pattern hoard to see if I have anything similar.


Thank you


If I find and pay for a pattern, could I have it posted to a US address and someone send it to me please?

I would gladly do that for you...if you find the pattern, let me know...the prices at the stores are a lot less than online!!!!

Plus, I always get coupons for half off patterns...

Any excuse to go the fabric

@thinktwice oooh I know. I was just telling my partner that sewing patterns and fabric shops are Jayne porn 😉


Lovely dress...looks expensive to make with all of that chiffon yardage and sequined lace...I will check when I get home to see if I have something similar...

Thank you. I can get the fabric reasonably cheaply



I found this that might be helpful if you could at least find a strapless dress pattern...

@thinktwice That's perfect. Thank you xxx


I have an account on there. Thank you x


Buy it, use it to make a pattern, then return it.

You can't do that because I have to take them apart.

Glad to see you came from another point of view in your later posts...but to do this for a commercial dress is just veiled really bothered me that people would think this is acceptable behavior for is not...I know many people buy dresses, hide the tags, and then return the dress...stores are having to change their return policies and increase costs for all others because of this "stealing"...

@mzbehavin Clothing designs are not copyrighted. Only the instructions and art of patterns are copyrighted

@mzbehavin I get your point, but can you listen to a song and then not use the same notes to write a new song?

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