This is what I understand about the event on the Washington Mall this weekrnd. Fisrt every confrontation involves a catalyst to get started. We do not know the catalyst for this incident. We enter after the beginning.
The catholic contingency protesting for pro-life were on the Washington Mall. During their march they encountered another group of also protesting on the mall. The second group was a group of black isrealites. Without knowning the exact catalyst, these two groups began exchanging insults. There is no documentary evidence to say who began the confrontation.
It soon escalated. An Omaha elder was on the mall for a completely differenr protest. Upon seeing the escalation, he inserted himself between the two groups. As an elder he felt responsibility to de-escalate the tensions. His was attempting to do this through his traditional drumming. In his culture people respect the drum and the message that goes with the drum.
The catholic students began to chant along with the drumming. At a certsin point the students began to do the tomahawk chop. This is an insulting gesture to most Native Americans. It is imposdible to tell what was in the students hearts and minds. Did they see the drumming as a joke or as a means of re-channeling the adrenline brought on by the previous confrontation
Regardless, the child that figures most predominsntly in the video put out a press statement that stated that he was confused and trying to de-escalate the situation. By watching the video it is obvious that this is a lie. Speculation: he was trying to impress his peers by getting in the elders face and attempting a stare down, in the high school setting we call it"mad dogging". He was fully aware of what he was doing
Regardless whether we pass judgement on the entire group or not is an individual choice. But there is little doubt in mind about that singular child's action and intentions. Intimidation, plain and simple. This is one more rxample og white privilege and arrogance that I continually rail about. Who's teaching our collective children about respect for our elders I put to you. My Native students have it. Does yours?
"First, every confrontation involves a catalyst to get started. We do not know the catalyst for this incident. We enter after the beginning."
Actually, yes, we DO know the catalyst which got this started. There were three.
It was the "March for Life", racism, and religion.
The Hebrew Israelites are a religious hate-group. They began the racist taunts and
chanting when they saw some a bunch of white students wearing the MAGA hats.
Everything escalated from there.
The kids were brought to DC by their idiot parents and teachers from a private, exclusive, all-male, catholic school in Kentucky. They were brought there to express their support for denying females personal bodily autonomy.
They were given MAGA hats to wear by the adults.
There were a number of things that happened which led to what was seen.
Let's not ignore the FACT that the culprits responsible for the WHOLE thing were religion, racism, and the pervasive male inclination to control the lives and bodies of women.
"he was trying to impress his peers by getting in the elders face" - except the elder walked up to him and sung loudly banging his drum in his face. And I don't see how banging, singing, and dancing around is going to "de-escalate the tensions". I think it's a crock of leftist snowflake b.s. to call this insulting to him. In my culture, someone banging a drum and singing loud in my face is "an insulting gesture".
I expect nothing less. One does not impress ones peers by disrespect. If they think that is a way to achieve respect with ones peers, then we are failing our children in our teachings.
@t1nick "Without knowning the exact catalyst, these two groups began exchanging insults." except we do know the catalyst - covered in the other post against this slant you seem to take.
"As an elder he felt responsibility to de-escalate the tensions." except one he is not the police, two he didn't seem to de-escalate the other side, and three how about realizing you're not on the reservation and this might not work the same outside of your culture? The Maasai Tribe spits on one another to give blessings and show respect; do you think that would have been a respectful thing to do? Some random dude you don't know just coming in and spitting on you, and you are demonized for interpreting in correlation of the environment you're in (Main St USA)?
" At a certsin point the students began to do the tomahawk chop." I agree this was uncalled for, but it wasn't EVERY student, and it certainly wasn't the kid standing there having a drum beat in his face for over 2 min.
"Speculation: he was trying to impress his peers by getting in the elders face and attempting a stare down, in the high school setting we call it"mad dogging"." except he wasn't giving him the stink eye or any type of insulting or malevolent facial expression. He stood there smiling with this MAN yelling loudly in song in his face.
"This is one more rxample og white privilege and arrogance that I continually rail about." - except there is no such thing as white privilege, so saying unicorns, god, or white privilege exists doesn't "impress ones peers by" spouting imaginary crap. Respect from people usually comes from use of science, data, and facts. Don't expect to be respected spouting racist comments...sorry.
@t1nick Proof? Christian's say God is very real...and I ask for proof there also, yet all I get is it's real and if you believed in it you would see it. And no, I am middle of the road libertarian. As far as racist, I believe everyone is racist - we are a tribal species by nature and initially flock to what we find familiar. The big difference is when we blame other swaths of people for our problems, and treat every individual that we identify with that group in some manner - much like you do with your "white privilege" mentality. Please give me an example where a white person is given preference or special treatment that is denied to an Asian.
@jondspen we can start with Jim Crow. You say it ended in 1964 with the voting rights act. Not really
overt Jim Crow died, but institutional racism persists up to today.
Lets start with criminal justice. There are two types of justice in this country. One for whites, one for people of color. For the same crime, minorities get up to 20x longer prison sentences than whites. Whites are the dominant race perpetuating mass shootings. Yet they are, so far in most instances taken alive. But let a person of color get pulled over for a traffic stop and they are in constant fear of being beaten and abused during arrest, shot without real overt action, or are assumed to have a weapon whether they do or not. Minorities are stopped without substantial reason more than are whites by at least 75x more frequent.
Whites feel no compunction about telling a derogatory joke about a minority or a woman with them standing right there in hearing range. Because of power dynamics the recipient is unable to retort. A minority will recieve a physical threat, a women will be labeled a cunt or worse if they complain creating a hostile workplace for her.
Applications for loans and services is another area of white privilege. Whites will quite often given a more cursory evaluation on their loan or job application, while a woman or minority will have to endure increased scrutiny in the form of additional background searching, increased questioning, and increased scrutiny. Women and minorities are often paid substantially less for the same job as white males.
Everyday, the mainstream white culture sends silent messages to women and minorities. The perpetuation of unfavorable stereotypes is not only common, but extremely prevalent among whites. This often occurs in media depictions, overt looks, media roles, or expectation setting that tell them they are less valuable and less a person by whites, particularly by white males. Parents of minority have to warn their children growing up about the capriciousness and vengefulness of white males.
Environmental justice. Minorities having been pushed into lower income real estate and jobs. Obstacles and hurdles established to make sure they cannot rise out of their circumstances. Republican legislatures blocking access to health care and birth control for a population that needs it the most.
This barely scratches the surface of what white privilege and what white male privilege is. It is well documented and a fact. There is an incredible amount of research into this issue. All consistent and pointing in the same direction. Its not hard to find if you look. The statistics do not lie. They are scientifically carried out studies, set up to control for inherent biases and doubled checked for correct methodology. This is not anecdotal.
The rise of conservative men claiming that they are being discriminated against is laughable. The reality is that demographics in sociery has made it safer for women and minorities to speak out against this long-standing racism. Its not racism, its called accountability. White males in particular are being made to face their racism and sexism and it scares them to death. This is what equality looks like.
This not a complete list by any means. This also not imply that minorities have their own problems and social dysfunctions. But who has controlled the halls of power and finance for the last 400 years, white males. Jeers, catcalls, whistles are not innocent. Just because you as a white male thinks its all in fun, the recipients don't feel that way. They are unable to get redress as the taunting will only increase to the point of intimidation, or will band together to threatened or intimidate the recipient.
If not a women or a monority it is difficult to see the white privilege aspect, as one surtounds themselves with like minded and like behaviored individuals. They don't complain, so it must be fine since nobody around me is complaining. Many things are really subtle and in isolation may be innocuous. But put together in its totality and experienced over a lifetime, the impact of white privilege adds up. The feeling of helplessness and powerlessness to fight against white privilege is debilitating. I have lived and taught in Native America for 30 years. I have seen firsthand the subtle messages, the discrimination, and the suppression perpetuated by the dominsnt white culture.
@jondspen. They all do, as asians have experienced everyone of these behaviors. Start with the rsilroads west, follow with Japanese internment camps, end with facebook posts of whites haranging some poor women who innocently shoping and made the mistake of ecxhanging in their own language. Besides, asisns like most other groups are not monolithic. By the by, that list above only scratches the surface.
@t1nick No...none of these apply to the asian community, which if it's white, and white only should. Also, the reason I asked, is b/c I already knew what arguments you were going to pull out, b/c I too am concerned about the health of all members of America, I just don't agree we should look for the answer in some imaginary white boogie man. I wll provide multiple links that address your statements, but here is the cliff notes to my opposition of your arguments -
Criminal Justice - blacks comprise 13% of the population, but commit 50% of the murders, and are typically repeat offenders.
Racist or sexist joles - Uhhh...your statement is anacedotal at best, and I completely disagree. I live in the deep south, and whites around here do not act this way. But regardless, do you have any proof? Any statistics or research how often whites do this...and also any proof that other races don't. I've lived in low income housing, been the minority in the neighborhood (both in US and abroad) and I know first hand I've been the target of racism.
Application for loans - First - it's illegal, and if proven, there are laws against it. Second, Asians are approved more than whites, but no one believes there is "asian privilege". Third, according to this link, it appears it isn't about race, but about "lower income and lower credit". []
silent messages from white culture - really? Toxic masculinity is a problem, but toxic femininity isn't even considered a thing. White men are demonized in the news, by government policy, and my Hollywood. If anyone if being told they are the least valuable person in society today, it is white American males.
Minorities having been pushed into lower income real estate and jobs - yea, and it started in the 1960's with the Democrats and the welfare systems. Today, the single mother parenthood rate in the black community is around 75%, because the government makes it so easy to sit on your ass, spit out kids, and collect a check in living in Section 8 housing. I agree, the black community has been robbed in this manner, but they unlocked the front door and let the government thieves steal their lives, all for votes. I wold also point out blacks from Nigeria living in America live ABOVE the average white household. See the clips below for more info.
"The reality is that demographics in sociery has made it safer for women and minorities to speak out against this long-standing racism" - you're kinda right, in that it was white men died in the civil war to end slavery, who passed legislation and fought for woman's suffrage, who fought and died against fascism and Nazi genocide against blacks, gypsies, mentally handicap, Jews, etc etc etc, and white men who were beaten and killed along side blacks in the civil rights movement (Freedom Riders is one example).
I don't doubt you are a compassionate and caring person. But these problems is not caused from some imaginary social construct that puts white men above every other race/sex. We have affirmative action to put blacks in school over a better qualified white applicant, we have laws to protect employees, homeowners, customers, and citizens from sexism and racism. We have blacks, asians, native americans, whites, jews, hispanic people in business, government, and all aspects of society, with equal opportunity. Just b/c there is not equal outcome, that doesn't represent racism. It only means that when you have a majority population of whites, and that majority typically has a high school diploma, both parents in the house, is not in the criminal justice system, and typically doesn't have kids out of wed-lock, then they tend to do better. That is also the reason you see the Asian community doing so well - whereas the other minority races do not typically have the same in their communities. If you really care about the problems, you need to understand the real root causes, and not just make up some imaginary catalysts b/c it is a much easier fix and more palatable for you to accept.
intetesting come back. Unfortunately the overwhelming evidence by legitimate studies do not agree with you. I disagree with much of what you say. You included a lot of stereotypes in your arguments. I agree with some of your statistics but you fail to delve into how and why the conditions you quote came about. Your anecdotal evidence is no more correct as to what you call my anecdotal evidence.
If I understand your stance, you are an asian that lives in the deep south, in a less than affluent neighborhood. Despite this, you've managed to make it out. For some reason youve decided to buy into the mainstream rationalization. I don't understand why, but thats your perogative.
I am a middle class white male who grew up in a blue collar environment. I proved myself adequately in this neighborhood before moving on. I have lived in or among minorities all my life. I am no milk toast and has risen above my upbringing, educationally and prefessionally. I disagree with your contention of no white boogie man. I think he already co-opted you.
@t1nick What evidence...the one you have yet to produce? And everything I mentioned is statistical data, so if you want to call that a stereotype, so be it. And no, I am a white male who has worked his ass off to get out of poverty, experienced the things you mention I don't experience due to my 'white privilege' - and regardless who F ing cares about our anecdotal interpretation. The videos I provided specifically reference census, economic, social, and government DATA. If you don't want to accept 3 black people, giving first hand accounts and referencing actual statistics - then whatever.