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Anyone else who’s a closeted atheist?

Message me, let’s be friends🙂

chlorine413 6 Jan 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

Be bold. Do not be afraid.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Know NO fear.
Be out. Be proud. Do not hide who you are.
Stop telling yourself about all the things you "can't" do.
Start focusing on the things you CAN do.
You'll be shocked at the difference.


I tend to keep all religious and political opinions to myself. not that I'm ashamed to be non-religious, my family is super religious and super Republican so I usually just try not to start drama with them about it. I wish I was able to express myself without feeling like i'm going to be shunned or something lol

My family is very religious and somewhat republican too. I just don’t talk about those subjects, and keep quiet when they do talk. They ask if I’m going to church and I just say no but don’t get into arguments with them


That’s why I joined this. Hoping to meet open minded honest people who don’t judge. My kind of people ?


I’m not closeted, but I’m careful in who I disclose my atheism to. Most people close to me know.


Maybe someone shoudl start a group on this site for "closeted atheists". I looked and there isn't one (yet). I'd start one, but I am out as an atheist (and also as being gay). I dont' think it woudl be right for soeoen who is "out" to lead such a group.

As an incentive, you get extra points on the site when others join a group you lead/started.


no one is closeted here even if they're closeted everywhere else, so it's fine if y'all want to message each other but it's not necessary with regard to anyone's being closeted.



You are safe here.


I used to be fundamentalist Christian. Went to a university and just felt so alone and isolated. I said fuck it and fuck you god, I’m tired of feeling shitty every day. So I left. Never looked back. I don’t live in an environment as oppressive as yours, but my depression isolated me, preventing me from meeting any new friends. I used to be agnostic before my conversion and I continue that journey to this day. You’re at the age I decided to turn my back, so that speaks to me. Good luck.

Thank you. Sounds like we have a lot in common. I appreciate you for sharing your story. I’m sure you know that feeling of being at the school and thinking you’re the only one.

@chlorine413 Yes, but I went state university, so I felt like I was the only Christian. That said, there were plenty of other Christians too. That's the thing about depression is that it makes you feel like you're alone, and that you aren't worthy of any friendships. As I've heard one person said, depression is a liar. The point is that you aren't alone. It's just a matter of seeking others out. This may be that very first step.


I can't help but comment on this thread. For all of you that feel as though the fear of judgement and or abandonment hold you back from admitting to the world who you really are .... You have an understanding friend in me anytime you need it. And when I say friend, I mean that guy who will go the distance with you and be there to defend you when others judge you. I am passionate about my thoughts and feelings, including my atheism. I have a strong conviction and when added to the fact that I'm outspoken, there's not much I won't say. But I'm there for any of you if you need support. But please remember this.... There is no greater joy in life than being able to communicate your feelings and thoughts openly with the world without regard to who's feelings you're going to hurt or feathers you're going to ruffle. In the very end, reality is reality and that is your biggest ally against the naysayers. Always be true to yourself and others.


Man,.. family should love you regardless of "religious belief or none, sexual orientation etc"..


There a few reasons why I'm a closeted atheist. The biggest one is my religious parents that would give me so much grief over it. Plus, I'm afraid they will take me out of the will. Plus, I'm still getting use being an atheist, despite the fact I have been one for nearly an year. I guess another reason I like to keep some things private with my family and friends in my area.

Your reasons are your own, but lying to someone to be included in their will is a pretty crappy thing to do.


A person has to be aware that there are people that will hurt you, sometimes to "help" you. Be aware of the situation you are putting yourself in to.


My parents, their friends, and a few of my older friends who are still religious don't know. I'd rather the situation continued as such, but yeah, a lot of people know I'm an atheist. So I don't know... Maybe I'm only 25% closeted?


My family doesn't know.

because you're too chicken shit to tell them?

@SkotlandSkye i think it’s more complicated than that.
Sometimes people are reliant on others for financial support. Sometimes people might live in a place where it’s deadly to be an atheist or they’re worried their family might harm them. Sometimes people want to get a support system in place, just in case if anything goes wrong, before they say anything. Sometimes people might be worried they will lose a spouse, partner, their children, family, friends, and/or their job because of their beliefs.
Trust me, it’s not that we don’t want to. We hope one day where we can go to hangout with our friends and have to put on this act. We hope to come out one day and say it’s loud and proud. However, saying that we’re too scared to do it makes us feel like our reasons for staying in the closet are not justified. You don’t know what’s going on in someone’s life.
I think we both can agree that if someone is in a position where they can say it and not have any major consequences then they should say it. However, not everyone is that lucky.


For years I thought I would have to hide my atheism from my kindly old ultra-religious grandparents, just wait until they pass away. But I didn't hide it well from the rest of my family, so my parents/cousins helped spread the word to them anyway. Thanks social media.

Turns out, even my Southern Baptist grandmother still loved me (and prayed for me) up until the day she passed away. I now wonder if we couldn't have had some meaningful conversations if I was a little more open. Oh well...

Now I just keep my (anti-)religious views to myself, especially in my professional life, unless someone specifically asks. Then I'm quite honest.

Wow. That reminds me of this story that a guy was an atheist before he married this girl and he never told her. He had to live his whole life as a lie and he didn’t even give her the chance to accept him. She died and he never told her. I heard it somewhere and it is sad but has a good lesson.
I plan on coming out eventually but now is definitely not a good time to tell even my family.




What an interesting bio...must be terribly stressful to have to keep things under wraps...

Well, jump in and enjoy the crazy here...blocking is your friend...

It’s insanely stressful and it feels my depression. Like my brain is constantly saying that if these people knew who you really are they wouldn’t be your friend or roommate. It’s sad but I came out to my boyfriend recently so that has helped a bit.
At least I found a community here. It makes me feel a little less crazy (or maybe we’re all crazy here (; )

@chlorine413 I would highly suggest just not offering any more information than required...there is no need to profess to the world any of your personal views...if the stress becomes problematic, I would make it a mission to get to another school if you are able...otherwise, be an actress! 😉


I can totally relate.


How can we msg you if it's not allowed

I believe I fixed it. Let me know if it changed.

@chlorine413 you did but I'm still a level 1 lol, can't msg ppl, such a noob


I have been open about it since a teenager, but it is a personal decision. I suggest being overt, but your life, your decision.


I highly recommend taking your time and not feeling obligated to come out until you are so ready you wish you would have done it a year ago. I’m the only outed atheist in my family and I didn’t come out until I was in my thirties. Always remember people that truly love you will not let this come in between a loving relationship with them. That being said so
Stones you might feel lonely or kind of like an outcast and that’s why these on line and in person secular communities can really come in handy. Watching videos on people’s stories of coming out really gave me strength and courage to finally do so. Here’s a really good one to watch when you have the time. It starts out slow but his story is incredible.

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