5 1 I'm not sure how to post things but this is something I watch every day to bring up my spirits. Thought I'd try to share it.

Redheadedgammy 9 Jan 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I am not good posting WORKING links either


There is a ‘beating heart’ that yearns to live and love all around the globe...called earth! We are each a tiny spect...wanting only the same thing, to ‘live and love!’


Where the Hell is Matt? 2012

Oh thank you for posting this. I just love to watch this guy and the people he gets to dance with him. For some reason it just makes me feel happy to watch them.

@CommonHuman me too!

@CommonHuman The tears just run down my cheeks when I watch them dance. I think it's just the joy you see on their faces. We don't have much joy in the world right now, so perhaps that's why it makes me cry.


When you are watching something on YouTube look just below it. See that "bent arrow" pointing to the right? Tap that then tap "copy link". Then come here and start your post. Hold your finger in the space where the words go (here) for a couple seconds when the window opens up tap "paste" and done.

Thank you for telling me how to do this. I will give it a try and see if I can do it.

You'll be a pro in no time


What's the title of the video? Would it be 1000 People of Dance? If so:

1000 people dance is the title. I wish I knew how to post things, I'm sure I did it wrong.

@Redheadedgammy You got it my friend. To post a Web Site, just copy the URL in the Address bar and past into your message.

@jlynn37 when you say, "just copy" I'm not sure how to do that. So I just wrote it out as I saw it. I'm terrible on computers, and just don't know how to do a lot of things others do on them. LOL Thank you for putting it on here for me. I appreciate your help.

@Redheadedgammy In the Address bar, just click once and it will highlight the text, then right click the highlighted text and select copy. Another way is to drag the cursor across the text to highlight it, then right click and choose copy, then you can paste it into your message. Try it, you don't have to submit it.

@jlynn37 Thank you for your help. I should have asked long ago but hate to bother people.

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