8 17

Common sense...Follow the money.. Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining

Rudy1962 9 Jan 23

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And I don’t think former CEO’s of companies should be in charge of the government agencies that once overseen them… But when good people get lazy, shit happens.

Varn Level 8 Jan 24, 2019



Sandy, I agree with you even if the GOP is making a big thing out of how you could not dance in college. I heard 10 minutes about that on a radio program and I was shocked! LOL


Consistent with the principle that U.S. political power must be divorced from wealth; end run-away plutocracy in the U.S.
Attention Koch brothers.

The Koch’s reign needs to end! Hard to boycott their products, as they have a hand in everything!

Screw the Koch brothers!


She makes a lot of sense.


She must be a communist.

Ahhhhh no.

..maybe a Russian Spy..?


This is one wise woman! I wish we had a few dozen more just like her in Congress!!


You go girl...! Lay it out there for all to see!

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