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If a guy or girl straight up asked you to have sex with them, how would you respond to it?

Idontevenknow1 4 Feb 21

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As a student in the mid seventies a friend of mine had read an article in Cosmopolitan that 1 in a 100 women would accept if asked outright by a stranger to have sex with them. He spent the next 6 months asking every woman he met socially this very question. As far as I am aware his success rate was somewhere between nil and bugger all. 🙂


Unrestrained laughter.


Let's rephrase the question; Suppose you are at a friends house and they are having a party. You don't know everyone there but you know your friend enough to trust what kind of folks they would invite to their home. You live close enough that you chose to walk there. Over the course of the evening, you repeatedly see an attractive person there that you don't know. It's been a long time and so you cross the room and engage this person in conversation and after several minutes you sense a connection and then out of nowhere, they ask you if you'd like to go somewhere more private. Yes or No.


Back in my day it was 'ya wanna ball?' And the answer was -always- yes. Oh, yesss.


I'd have to quote Title IX and file a report.


By "straight up" I am guessing you don't know them yet. I have had that happen many times and I have to say it has caught me off guard every time. Do you go "Hell Yeah!" and dive for their skirt? Cuz I haven't tried that.

zrez Level 4 Feb 28, 2018

Cash or credit card?


If I've known her for at least awhile, I'd say let's get crackin'!


Depends on what she looks like, how old she is, and if she is disease free or not. Other than that, two consenting adults, why the fuck not, have at it!


Decide if I like the idea and if it is give them a kiss, not going to commit to sex without even a sampler.

Kimba Level 7 Apr 7, 2018

Men: No Thanks
Women: No, Yes, Maybe it would depend


"We haven't even discussed my rates or anything yet. What's your name?" lol


Straight up I tell them, I don't do children so they can fuck themselves.


I'd be flattered and it would do wonders for my self-esteem, and has.


I would ask him what he would want me to do, and if I thought I would enjoy him. He was being honest!


I'd tell them
Thanks but I'm married, thanks anyway, but just for your information, you're coming on a bit strong, a bit quick.


Got a condom

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