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I want honest opinions and no fighting.
If you want to fight - make your own thread.

I just saw something really interesting in a group of mine on FB.

Someone didn't let a Vegan into a group because they don't feed their cat meat and they felt it was actual animal abuse.

Now biologically we can confirm that with those teeth - they are meant to eat meat. That would be their natural state.

Ethically we understand how Vegans would feel about it.

But I'd love to hear how other people regard this.

Because I was really surprised by how vehemently most people felt?

My understanding was always that you could supplement for the missing nutrients (which might not be best practice - but would work).

I'm not going to put up a poll - that would be too simplistic.

And really I want to know what you all think. I'm curious. I mean it's funny in a way - to see Atheists fighting about this? (Yup it's an Athiests FB group - they're nutty there too).
And apparently the person had some other flaws that were known so that might have been part of the denial as well - so don't think they're just all mean. They really aren't.
But they're all people with long term illness and they don't deal well with people being "woo" in any way.

Addendum: The person was not already a group member - this was an application to enter the group - so no name was ever mentioned. It's a FB thing.
It was not the only marker that said they might cause conflict either. And the group is for folks with medical issues - who are there for support and education. Conflict isn't good for them. So weeding out someone with those markers might be necessary.

RavenCT 9 Jan 28

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32 comments (26 - 32)

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  1. to me that is the worst kind of anthropomorphism, as it is actually dangerous for the cat. Cats are cats, peeps are peeps.

  2. does anyone else think it's a little hypocritical for a vegan to own a cat, since veganism is typically closely tied to animal rights, cruelty, and exploitation? BTW I could argue both ways logically, but it just feels hypocritical. ?


This topic (feeding cats a vegan diet) is often banned in vegan groups on FB simply because it’s divisive even among vegans. I am vegan but my cats and dogs eat non-vegan foods currently. I’m still doing research on the now available commercial vegan foods for both dogs and cats. There is now a brand of vegan cat food that is much more sophisticated than just feeding your cats fruits and veggies. I’m still doing more research into this so for now not switching from what I’ve been feeding. I’m looking into vegan dog food for one of my dogs because she’s allergic to just about all animal proteins.

Interestingly, a lot of commercially available cat foods, especially the popular brands sold at grocery stores might as well be vegan because they barely have any meat anyway. Even the ones sold at the vet clinics. Take a look at the ingredients list (I always do): corn, soy, brewers rice, etc.

That’s all I’m going to say because after reading most of the previous responses I just shook my head. It’s not worth my time to get into arguments.

Why would you want your animals to be vegan? Just for ethical (meat production can be horrible) reasons? What about the fact that they evolved to eat certain things? And because I know it's hard to gauge tone on the internet, I honestly want to know, I'm not looking for a fight.

@Remi As I said, I’m not getting caught into this discussion beyond what I already said. It could be a very long complex discussion.

But....if you can avoid killing animals while achieving your feeding goals, why wouldn’t you choose that. BTW, most of my pets are rescues with nowhere else to go. They are not pleasure slaves as someone said here (that’s PETA’s stance and I hate PETA). My pets are my children.

Yes when I learned about the lack of control of pet food over all from my cat groups I was appalled. I can imagine the division among vegans too.
The misinformation about cat food is terrible.

They don't even have to put salt content on it and that can be deadly.

I've always seen pets as companions. I'm unsure about people who see them otherwise but I know they exist? (sigh).

I keep hoping someone gets clearer or perhaps more transparent? About precisely what cats/pets should be eating. The battles over that topic are epic on the pet boards. I know.

Keep doing your research - maybe they'll figure it out one day.


Oh man. I saw these kinda words in this post.... something about a vegan forcing their carnivorous pet CAT to be vegan. Yeah I don't blame whoever for blocking that person.
Pure cruelty. Cats REQUIRE TAURINE FOR SURVIVAL. Taurine = found only in certain meat products!



So many comments.
My thoughts: No. They’re carnivores and need the nutrition.


If I saw a cow attacking a bear for sustenance, I would give pause for cogitation. Each of us knows what our system needs. If someone feels the need to gnaw on semi-thawed meat, who am I to say that there are better ways? If a salad suffices for others, who am I to say that's wrong?


If they wanted to go to the extra effort to maintain the cats proper nutrition and health I would say, knock yourself out. But if it’s just a soapbox for her opinion, I would cry foul. This is done for a lot of different “causes” not understanding the consequences.


I think it's unfair and dangerous to assume that all creatures must eat the way we do. Animals have evolved the way they did for a REASON -- it's all a part of the ecological balance of the planet. For a vegan to assume that their cat can't eat meat because they don't eat meat -- and though it's a domesticated animal, a cat is a cat -- to put these limits on it is just being cruel -- and that in itself just seems ironic for a vegan. I know someone who's vegan who has six cats, and she's intelligent enough to know that they need to eat certain things... All this being said, if there are alternatives out there, then by all means go that route. But it sounds to me like these things haven't been developed enough, and until there's proof that they are viable, owners shouldn't compromise their pets' health in order to be "ethical."

And that being said, I don't know why they would need to be banned from the group. Unless a discussion on this topic would pull focus or cause too much tension. "Agree to disagree" would have to be the guiding rule.

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