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"Politics has become so focused on economics that we’ve lost sight of humanity.”


AstralSmoke 8 Jan 29

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i am not so sure i agree. there is an awful lot of politics focusing on controlling women's bodies, preventing people from marrying whomever they love, limiting freedom of assembly and more, and while there is always an underlying economic reason for such things, that doesn't represent a focus on economics. those who oppose such ridiculousness are not focusing on economics in doing so. meanwhile, humanity needs to eat, and focusing on stuff like a living wage, progressive taxes and affordable housing, while economic in nature, is also humanity-focused.


As we all know, there is not one truth, unless you somehow take all the truths and combine them. I personally, see many injustices because of economic decisions. It is a truth that not all injustices are economically based, but many, if not most, are. It's the way our system is set up.

@AstralSmoke it is indeed. so... i disagree with the quotation from the article at any rate. it's simplistic and on the face of it untrue. there is not one truth but untruths are numerous as well! i can spot an untruth a mile off rofl rofl. well, maybe not a mile!


@genessa Well, we both agree that 'truth' is not so simple.

@AstralSmoke of course. the ones who claim to know "the truth" have no clue!



I agree completely! What will we be in another 10 years...robots?

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