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Too stupid to know he's stupid!
Senior intelligence officials have said that it's extremely difficult to convince Trump he is wrong about something, no matter how much evidence they can put in front of him. He believes what he believes. []

jerry99 8 Jan 30

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He believes what Putin tells him to believe via Jarod via Saudi Prince via Putin.
There is something very stinky here. Treason or mental illness. "There is no one behind that curtain. I know you see him but he really is not there. Believe me. Don't listen to the facts. They are false facts so they are not really facts. Believe me. Tremendous." Wretch!


He is as dense as oak!


If he doesn't believe in those he appoints, what is his reasoning for appointing them?

He believes in movies and tv hosts and not his own people?


Much like the leftists I have encountered.


It's a defense mechanism. If Trump actually allowed himself to believe reality, he'd see how truly stupid and incompetent he is and he'd have a meltdown. He'd curl into a fetal position, shit himself and repeat over and over "I'm big league. I'm big league. I'm big league."


Willfully ignorant and he wants to stay that way because his drones will follow him into the fire. In ten years they’ll look back at their sorry decision and wonder WTF were they they thinking.

You overestimate their ability to become self-aware, sorry!

@jerry99 probably, I’m always hopeful people will change


That's why the evangelicals like him, he doesn't think, just like them!

BillF Level 7 Jan 30, 2019
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