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Pastor Greg Laurie: “There’s No Such Thing” as an Atheist Relief Organization

We've raised over $20,000 for Puerto Rico relief, you jackass. Not to mention the Foundation Beyond Belief and other secular relief groups. Believe it or not, not all of us need the promise of heaven to do good things.

davtim68 7 Nov 3

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medecins sans frontier . That's as bs free as I can discern


I am confused; the name "Atheist Relief" can be interpreted as relief from Atheists but many seem to see a different meaning. The mention of the Foundation Beyond Belief adds to the confusion. Many non-religious groups as FFRF and the Humanists contribute to the Foundation but I doubt any religious organizations do.
The name calling only adds to the problem.


Medecins sans Frontieres ? I love it when these saintly pastors spout rubbish ... I believe they help the thinking community .


Pastor Greg Laurie speaks as if his/her opinion were fact. Big surprise, many people are motivated by their own good will and concern for others.


We are a tough bunch to organize, a bit like wrangling cats, but apparently it can be done!

the day we get organized it will be hijacked by agent provocateurs and we'll be back to square one.


Who cares what demagogues like him say?


Are you allowed to say "lying sack of shit" in this forum?


Amen brother......see what I did there


I like all the comments before mine!


Cognitive dissonance is strong with this one.


At least we have evidence to prove that an Atheist Relief Organization exists, unlike his fairies in the sky

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