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This vehicle was beside me yesterday; on the side not visible were stickers ‘We just want the TRUTH’ and ‘No more FAKE NEWS’.
Free speech is great, lol. I love stickers.
The sticker facing him on my window reads: ‘read a fucking book’. I wish I had the Gunderson flag sticker that says: ‘Don’t grab my pussy!’

CarolinaGirl60 8 Jan 31

Enjoy being online again!

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The car I was behind had a Trump/Putin in a heart...I wanted to follow it and buy the owner a coffee!


I was always partial to "Jesus is coming, look busy" 2nd runner up is "I'm wasting all the fuel your Prius is saving" when I'm almost certain the driver of the Prius is not buying fuel for that truck?


I would be ashame to display that sticker.

Which sticker?

@CarolinaGirl60 Anything republican these days!

@Marine lol, just checking. I’ve had a few unique reactions to my stickers, too!?

@CarolinaGirl60 So have I


Gunderson flag? What’s a Gunderson flag? I’m only asking because I’m former military and a military history buff and I’ve never heard of such a flag.

I think she meant the Gadsden flag...

This version:

Just a guess

@thinktwice yes, thank you! Doh, my old-timers is showing.

@thinktwice, @jerry99 YES! That’s the one.

Sorry, I have a bit of aphasia, lol.

@CarolinaGirl60 Uh huh, well bless your heart.
I was beginning to wonder as to who needed to read a fucking book?
But that’s ok everyone does from time to time I guess. ?

@48thRonin Unfortunately, reading a million fucking books won’t cure my aphasia. I had a mild stroke years ago, plus I get brain fog from fibromyalgia: I can see a thing in my head, but the name just won’t come to me. Until it’s too late, lol.


Leave it to the idiot Trunptards to believe they'll get the truth from a pathological liar. These people are objectively stupid. That's why Trump loves em'.

What’s sad is, he’s a veteran. Voting against his own interests.

@CarolinaGirl60 I'm sure of that. Voting against their own interests is a hallmark of the middle and lower class repub mindset.

and why they love Trump.

@jlynn37 Yup. These people are their own worst enemies and their ignorance drags the rest of us down with them.

Don the Con. He has certain skills that make him popular and he has exploited every one of them: His wealth, his tycoon and celebrity status, his charm (gag, I know). When he was able to get a rally of supporters to scream "Lock her Up", that alone told me everything I needed to know about Trump charisma. The crowd ate that up.

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