Groan. Now you've made me homesick for Tawny Frogmouths, which though not true owls, are definitely superb.
Interesting. My first thought was that they provided a rather nice example of convergent evolution, but now I've read a little about them and how different they are to owls in their habits, I see that they don't at all despite how much they look like owls.
@Jnei one nice convergent bit is their 'mo poke, mo poke' call is the antipodean nocturnal equivalent of 'toowit towoo'.
Owls hunt around our place most nights; no idea what breed as I only see a blrr in dim light and can't identify calls. Also have hestrels and buzzards around most days. Raptors are amazing.
One morning on the jobsite early in Colorado, 3 barn owls flew low over my head. The only downside is that we were building homes in their habitat.
My money is on the Great Horned Owl. My work is in the territory of one and they are bad ass!