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Does trump really believe the things (lies) he says or is he just trying to confuse people? I know his supporters believe him and use anything and everything to justify his lies... It's seems ludicrous to me...

Cutiebeauty 9 Feb 3

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Deny, Deflect, Distract, Distort - tRump


I think it's both. Even if they know they are lying in the beginning, narcissists are often able to convince themselves, over time, that the most ridiculous things they say are actually true.

Deb57 Level 8 Feb 3, 2019

I have a brother whose behavioral patterns are just like Trump's. I think for both of them, they truly believe whatever they say in the moment. They live in their own worlds and it makes sense to them. They easily forget what they've said in the past and have no awareness of even completely reversing or denying something they've said in the past.

I have family members also who have trouble emotionally accepting the consequences of their own actions (even when relatively minor), and so deny basic facts just so it can be someone else's fault. This idea of never apologizing or admitting a mistake (big or small) for fear of appearing weak--or worse, thinking in their own mind that they might be weak--is also a major factor. I can only remember the family member I am thinking of apologizing once (and he was drunk at the time), and admitting a couple of mistakes only when the consequences were so bad and scary that he didn't have time to think...and later rationalized his actions and ignored the admission of the mistakes. But this is not just limited to his actions. There was a mold problem in his house a few years ago in the basement--a torrential downpour leaked into the house, part of the plumbing was leaking whenever a toilet was flushed upstairs, and (on top of those) the hot water heater started leaking, all in the same room. He declared none of those leaks were real, that when it rained, an air vent on the room would allow water into the house and that was the cause. (It was not.) He also declared there was no mold, then maybe there was some mold but it wasn't a problem. (The entire interior of one wall was all black--mold.) Another family member and myself ultimately paid to have it all cleaned up, new remodeling, etc., and he still tells people nothing was really wrong.


The answer is c), both. He has every one who listens confused, and he himself is tangled in a web of confusion and lies. It's not that he lies or can't tell the truth, he can't tell the difference.


This thread had me wondering about coal:

And that carrier plant:


I have never understood the things he lies about that are so easily his intel chiefs were “misquoted” ... what????

Many of his supporters get their information directly from Trump. If they have any other sources, it is probably Fox or AM radio. If he says he's a stable genius, they believe he's a stable genius. If he says he knows more than the generals, they tell their neighbors over the fence that the generals don't know anything and Trump has their backs.


The man is off his rocker by no stretch of imagination. He probably does believe his lies. By doing so, he is not making America great again.


It could be a bit of both but according to "Fear - Trump in the White House" by Woodward, it appears that Trump actually believes most of what he says. It also appears that he is a pathological liar and a narcissist to the extreme.


I think a lot of it is orchestrating chaos


I don't think he even considers whether he believes what he says, he just says whatever he thinks make him look good at the moment. Narcissism at its most extreme, certainly unfit to manage anything, never mind the presidency.

godef Level 7 Feb 3, 2019

I suspect what he says reflects a vague concept of what he thinks. But the fact he really doesn't care is most telling. If his construed concept of reality resonates well with his ignorant followers, he’ll say it. But when truth plays no role in one's thoughts, every utterance is suspect..

Varn Level 8 Feb 3, 2019

Compulsive liars believe what they say for the most part.

Guy I went to college with claimed he had a 3 legged turtle (stumpy) that pulled him out of a frozen river. A barrel racing horse that would play fetch like a dog. A friend that drove under a semi just like in the FF movies. Just to name a few. He really did believe all this shit. There are more, and several unbelievable stories every week.

@actofdog This guy wasn't in any branch. Name is Jordon Bonette.


He doesn't know the difference between a lie and the truth... That is the scary part. He just makes up whatever fits his narrative of the moment without fear or care if what he is saying is correct... Or even close to it. His whole being has one goal... Make sure people think I am the best... Because in his heart of hearts... He knows he is the worst!



This has been his MO his entire life. It seems effortless because it is. He reveres himself at the same time.


You’d have to ask him personally because asking anyone else will only result in a biased opinion.

Me personally it’s a little of everything. Some intentional some just him assuming and not knowing when or how to shut the fuck up.
But that’s just my opinion


he is ludicrous...asinine, idiotic, and out of his mind. I've learned not to expect any different. he's not going to get any better.
I don't think he's concerned about the truthfulness what he says regarding facts. he's only concerned about the impact it will have in the news and with his supporters. hes all gas and hot sauce.

I guess he's speaking to his Christian supporters... They'll believe anything apparently... But what excuse for agnostics and atheists here.... ?

@Cutiebeauty no excuse orher than denial

@Cutiebeauty I don't think it has anything to do with faith or lack of it. people who are broken or something love the LIE. Selfish pride, fear, anger, etc. mind you this is not conservatism this is support of fascism, plain and simple.

@hankster agree wholeheartedly.


He absolutely believes everything he’s saying.


It’s a combination of both, I think. Trump will say what ever he thinks will benefit him financially when he can, but he’s also heavily beholden to all of the investors who have bailed him out of debt over the years.


He knows they’re lies. He’s a PT Barnum, selling snake oil. He knows to make them big lies, make them outrageous even, and persist. Keeps the attention on him and the myths persist.


typical polotician really. lesson number one, don't ever trust what governments say.


At this point it doesn't matter if he believes his own bullshit, he's wreaked so much havoc. And his ever-loyal cult only compounds the offense. #RTMFA

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