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Sooooo I’ve got under 700 points to go to get to Level 8. Can I get a lick of help to get me over the edge? I need to get off Level 7. I will be forever indebted to you (well, not forever, may be a few minutes). 😁

graceylou 8 Feb 11

Enjoy being online again!

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57 comments (26 - 50)

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Getting short myself. Here you go.

Thanks. Good luck (or is that lick) to you too.


I can't believe you're still level 7; it seems you've been here for a long time.

JimG Level 8 Feb 11, 2019

Yeah. I was getting a little bored at times. Not too motivated by points and levels. But when yer close...,

@graceylou I know what you mean. I think I spent 5 or 6 months at 7. Good luck.


Good luck!

Orbit Level 7 Feb 11, 2019

Thank you!!!


Thanks for the points!!!


You deserve it Gracie! Class act!

Awwww. Thank you. You’re too kind.


He he and does the Level 7 give you Ninja skills too? Best of luck at the dojo.

No ninja skills in level 7. May be in level 8.


Good luck. I'm still 16,000 points away.

Thanks. Some points for you too.


Found this funny.... 😉

Can’t be any more perfect than that hey?


And one to grow on ?

And I hope it grows big.


You are doing great...I have over 6K to get to level 8.

Thanks. Let me know if I can help.

Thanks for the offer. I'm not in a hurry to get a Tee shirt. So I'll just have fun and eventually I will get to level 8 @graceylou

@nicknotes I took my time too. Wasn’t in a rush. I figured others can get me over quickly with my last 700 points.

You are doing great.....@graceylou


Welcome to the club. 🙂

Thanks my friend.

@graceylou You're very welcome. 🙂


Congradulations and three million,two hundred thousand , four hundred and sixteen kudos for making it to the big eight.

I can almost get to level 9 with all that.

@graceylou they're with them what you will. Lol.

@HankSherman I certainly will.

@graceylou though I should warn you,.....I don't run anything around here......except my mouth, er, fingers, thoughts....screw know what I mean.

@HankSherman You would not be the only one.

@graceylou you're kind

@HankSherman Sssshhhh. Don’t spread it around.

@graceylou I'm amazed you're not at ten, I mean you certainly rate, I did not say you are, a ten, just that you should rate a ten

@HankSherman Nah. I don’t post a lot. Don’t participate in political debates. Ugh. I like to read posts and may be comment. So it would take me awhile to get to level 10. As for rating ten, ummm I suppose that’s subjective. Most days I’m just a grimy loner working with animals all day.

@graceylou Well.....I rate your style, grace, and charm as ten, and I'm sure the animals appreciate you kind to youself, and good luck.


@graceylou a pet meme to generate points....

@graceylou my former roommate rode with her head in my lap and gazed at me adoringly until I bought her a special seatbelt.



@graceylou any second now!

I hope so.


Hey’s some help towards a T-shirt!

Very much appreciated!!!


random points

They are lovely. Thanks.


Yep. Come on @graceylou you got this!

Thanks. Y’all got my back.


Coming at you🙂

Nice coming. Thanks.


Are we there yet?

Not yet. Around 400 or so to go. But the journey is half the fun, no?


A few more!!

Wow. Thank you!!!


Here’s some more!!


Always happy to give a lick of help.?

Appreciate it, Sir. ?

@graceylou you very welcome pet. I hope you were able to go over the edge and get off...of level 7.?


How many licks does it take? Tongues out, everyone!

As many as I can get!!!


You'll be there in no time. The much revered T shirts are very nice. Be sure to NOT press return when filling out the T shirt between fields when ordering the T shirt as it will submit the uncompleted form and you will not be able to complete the order until Site Support will likely get back to you in a few weeks.

I’ve seen all the pics. They are nice.

@graceylou Good quality too.


I'm on level 7 and a long ways from that T-shirt.

It’s taken me a long time. I’m getting tired. Lol.

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