58 37

Sooooo I’ve got under 700 points to go to get to Level 8. Can I get a lick of help to get me over the edge? I need to get off Level 7. I will be forever indebted to you (well, not forever, may be a few minutes). 😁

graceylou 8 Feb 11

Enjoy being online again!

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58 comments (51 - 58)

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I'm on level 7 and a long ways from that T-shirt.

It’s taken me a long time. I’m getting tired. Lol.


Hi Gracylou, I hope this helps. I have not been on here as much as before, still stuck on level 6. You go girl!!!

Thanks. I got to level 8 awhile back obviously but any extra points are appreciated on the impossible climb to level 9. I'm not too extremely motivated to get there. If you need a boost to the next level, just give me a shout.


Good idea to change level

ylma Level 5 Feb 20, 2019

I'm 6,260 points too late to help for level 8, here's to 8.1 πŸ™‚

If you comment it'll help me to 8.2 πŸ™‚

Thanks so much. I would guess it would take me forever just to get to 8.1.


Way to go Grace!

Thanks. Couldn't have done it without all the help. Well, I could but it would have been much slower. I seemed to have racked up almost 7000 points since last night. I don't have any idea how that happened.



Thank you. I’m working on getting to level 9 now so any points help!!!


Already at 8... Here's some points towards 9 haha

Thanks so much Cutie!!!

@graceylou you're welcome ?


Congratulations - I see a new star!! πŸ™‚ Woot!

Thanks for the help!!!

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