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Take me down

48thRonin 8 Feb 12

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Welcome to Chicago.


Move to Florida...we have very few frost wedging.

@Elganned Yep and huge snakes, mosquitoes, crocs, gators and Haitian’s all of the things that have been proven to kill people who aren’t from there. ?

@Elganned Oh no in Australia everything can and probably will kill you and they don’t have Haitians. ?

Florida is beautiful...warm weather...beautiful beaches.....and we probably have fewer snakes and mosquitos than most states. The Haitians are fine peaceful people. @48thRonin

Not at all.....@Elganned


So you’re from Michigan!! ?

Nope but I’ve been there and I wasn’t trying to call anyone out but yes Detroit was the first place that I thought about.?

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