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Hey everyone .. what am I supposed to say ., nice to be here .., let’s chat

Carlos3000 3 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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Just be like the rest of us weirdos....say whatever you have on your mind...welcome to the funest place in godless land...or you can be like those others....actually say something wise, rational, know


The beauty of this site is that you can get to know people based upon what they post or comment on. Start by joining any of the groups that interest you and see what has been posted. Add your own comments wherever you may want to contribute. Make your own posts whenever you have something new to offer. The Memes group might be a good place to start since the posts there are simple but entertaining (usually). Posts that are not in a group are categorized in the open forum area so you can browse through those by category. After a while you will get to know the regulars on this site and they will know you.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.


snoop around the categories, find a post that interests you, respond to it, think of something that interests you, figure out which category it belongs in, post something on that topic in that category. snoop around groups, see if there is one you'd like to join, join it, post in it, respond to others' posts in it. wait, you say, but i don't care about all that -- i just want a date! well, wouldn't you like to find someone who has a brain and a voice and thinks thinks that appeal to you? this is how to find them! no one is going to go to your page and read your bio once you've written it except to see who it was who made that fascinating post!



Glad you are here!

Carin Level 8 Feb 13, 2019

Thank you... is there an app for this site .. I had to go through my emails to get back

@Carlos3000 Yes - it can be a bit glitchy here and there - but there is an app. []


its weird starting out, but youll get the hang of it

Thank you


Hi Carlos, Fill in your bio, add a little pic and share stuff about yourself

I thought I did.. I’m new at this.. I’ll figure it out ?

I hope it works.. I’ll play with it more later

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