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I live in a city where there are nine women to every man. So why does many men find it difficult to find a partner. I have heard of women who pay for the mens drinks, and offer to take them home. I think men have it made today

Backslidden 6 Feb 20

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I am on my way. There I will not be annoyed by whining American men about how things have changed & how bad things are for men in this post feminist era. Current feminists realize they don't even need men to take out the garbage any longer. As WE take power after this fluke in the White House, men will either join us as partners or suck their thumbs & hold their blankies because women are so mean. Thank you feminists for permitting men to learn how to prepare healthful food, tend the pets, do the grocery shopping, & have my hot bath & cold champagne ready when I get home. Now be a good boy & wash my back.


Maybe I should move to Vancouver!


I have also heard that there are some cities in Florida, where the pop. is mostly older people from the Northeast part of the US, where women greatly outnumber men. Also, I have heard that Iowa City, Iowa, a very liberal university town about two hours east of where I live, has a lopsided pop. of more women than men in my age group. But I won't move there just for that because I need my longtime friends too much for support.


Maybe in your area, Back, but not that way in mine.


The 9:1 ratio is unbelieveable. Maybe they are like me and work in almost 100% male dominated work? Mechanics, Farmers,and Truck Drivers... Not a lot of women in these professions... Literally about none.

I understand. Maybe we should go back to the days of mail order brides. LOL.

@Backslidden Isn't that how trump got any of his brides?


First where is your City? I'm on the way to get paid by women ? jk, it's not about being female to be with there are other factors as important as gender



But, but, but....something's not right in the equation.

What could it be?

Tell me what you think. Truly.

I don't know. But if the 'market' is entirely suited to men and yet they have trouble finding partners....

If men want sex and women want relationship, as one of the followers said, there is no way we will ever get together in a happy loving relationship.

If that's the heart of the problem, I guess the usual compromises are being made.

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