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In order to minimize the terrible suffering of the Venezuelan people it is time to eliminate the present socialist gangster leadership using any means necessary, including the military option.

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zesty 7 Feb 24

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the USA has a great history of "helping" countries in central and south America hasn't it ?.

Yes. We smoked out the rotten communists.

@zesty Yeah. Those pesky reds. Can't allow that. Keeping all their resources to themselves and not allowing US multinational companies to exploit the natives.

@Moravian Better if the resources go to China or Russia? At least the US gives back much more as economic aid.

@zesty If the proper price is paid i'm sure they are not too concerned where they go. China is pumping £billions into Africa in return for the continents natural resources. eg Namibia is benefiting greatly from the sale of uranium to China.


The US should not be involved.

Carin Level 8 Feb 27, 2019

I am puzzled why we're not doing airlifted care packages and lifting the Embargo which would allow Goods into Venezuela.

The socialist government would use air defense to shoot down the planes.

@zesty evidently they do have capable air defense systems. The answer then is still with the sanctions. Oh dear that would give Madura credit for feeding the people and then we wouldn't get our preferred person in charge. In other words it's not really about feeding the people.[]

@Lorajay Name a country besides the US where the politicos worry about feeding the people.

@zesty it's obvious you know nothing about the social democracies in Europe

@Lorajay LOL. Lived in (it was called West Germany) for almost a year, just worked two months in Austria last year.

@zesty how many starving people did you see there?I've visited friends on Spain, Norway, Holland and England and didn't see anyone starving in any of those places. In every country I ask my friends to take me to the slums and interesting felt perfectly safe every place they took me.

@Lorajay There are a lot of people living at very low existential level. Perhaps not starving, but getting quite basic medical care, etc. As far as feeling safe in slums - try these days the Muslim ghettos. I don't think that you will feel safe!


Let the people do it themselves-turn the army to their side.

Unfortunately the Cubans and the Chinese interfere with the people's wishes.

@zesty But they are not criticise like the Americans are.


We can't save ourselves. Until we fix us, we need to stop interfering in other nation's decisions.

We are now as close to perfect as it gets.


If the US were interested in "minimizing" the suffering of the Venezuelan people, don't you think they would have refrained from placing economic sanctions on the country? []

If the US and its allies was interested in "minimizing" the suffering of the Venezuelan people, don't you think they would have returned to Venezuela what is rightfully Venezuela's? []

So let the kids starve, the women suffer, in general the citizens suffer, all because the idiots in Washington want the GOD in Venezuela . . . . The GOLD, the OIL and the DRUGS.
The USA:
interfered in Iraq - there is a war there now.
interfered in Syria - there is a war there now.
interfered in Libya - there is a war there now.
interfered in Yemen - there is a war there now.
interfered in Ukraine - there is a war there now.
interfered in Somalia - there is a war there now.
interfered in Afghanistan - there is a war there now.
No pattern of behavior here at all, right?

Look what they did to Libya . . . . Bombed the water supply in Libya, a clear and unambiguous war crime. []

In fact, the pattern of behavior is so fixed that it can be outlined:

  1. Make sure they have gold deposits in the US or elsewhere first, so you can steal it.
  2. Send CIA and covert funding to radical groups within the country.
  3. Start a propaganda campaign against the country.
  4. Accuse the leader of being a dictator and madman.
  5. Encourage the terrorists you fund to protest violently, then claim that the leader is massacring his own people when he responds to their violence.
  6. Claim the terrorists the US funded / imported are legitimate rebels.
  7. Bomb them, torture them, kill them, create refuges from here to hell and gone.
  8. Take over their whole economy, set up a US-style banking system.
  9. Claim that Capitalism is the only system that succeeds while destroying their system.
  10. Establish military bases.
  11. Plant a puppet leader and government.
  12. Leave the country in shambles, and claim it is due to failure of their non-capitalist system.
    This has played out over and over and over again, the same old song and dance, and you are spouting out the US government's propaganda. If capitalism is so great, why is it that the USA has to use FORCE all the time to FORCE it onto people who do not want it, and if it is a question of "democracy", why is it that they are trying to spread "democracy", when we do not have democracy here in the USA?
THHA Level 7 Feb 24, 2019

To some extent I agree. We need to modify our laws. Instead of economic sanctions we could just eliminate brutal dictators and just a few dozen or hundreds of leaders.

When was the last time you saw the leaders of Venezuela, Iran, Russia, North Korea, Syria, etc. invade, bomb, drone, use white phosphorous and depleted uranium on another country, and use military force to try to dictate to them how they should run their country?
The only "brutal dictators" are the ones in Washington.

@THHA Grozny deleted, Afghanistan, Syrian genocide, enough?

And you mean to say what? That is not what I would call a very coherent question.

@THHA These ate the communist crimes. Think!

Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but since World War II, the good US of A has invaded, bombed, murdered far more countries and peoples than any other country in the world. The military of the United States is deployed in more than 150 countries around the world . . . [] So if you want to start blaming countries and communism, you are arguing a seriously lost cause. If capitalism is so great, they would not need to use FORCE to get countries to adopt it.


How many times are people going to fall for this type of narrative? Memories must be very short. Just think oil.

Look at the Soviet, Chinese, North korean and Cuban success story!

@zesty I think we're entitled to criticise their story so long as we accept it is their story and America should butt out, especially with its record for making things worse.

@brentan Some South American counties are flooded with Cuban and Chinese "advisors". We must counterbalance their criminal influence!

@zesty By all means, 'advise' countries but leave it at that.

@brentan These chinese and cuban advisors are the worst communist vermin. They don't advise, they only destroy if we let them.

@zesty They probably learned all they know from the CIA.


He never expected to be elected, he was a foil for repukes to use, he never got the vote of the American people, he wouldn't have gotten what he did with out every repuke's lie cheat and steal. He's not a duly elected anything, the 16 election should be completely voided by congress, resending all decisions, orders and appointments.

I was writing about Venezuela!

@zesty I know,...I just took it 2 steps further...

@MerlinZap The everyday Trump bashing! Boring.

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