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So it would appear that all or almost all of the people in this country who are against abortion are also pro death penalty....yet they call themselves Pro-Life. How does that work? Obvisouly when you compartmentalize ideas in your brain competeing beliefs are bound to surface but this one seems a little to blatant to be able to explain away unless you just use the excuse, “because Jesus”....which or course isn’t an explanation but rather a way of conceding that you have no vaild arguement.

ABD 4 Feb 25

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They aren't really "pro-life", they're just pro-birth.
They don't care what happens to people once they're born.
That's how they feel perfectly justified supporting the death penalty.

Their anti-abortion stance is about nothing more than controlling women.
It's just a another way to punish women for having sex, and gasp enjoying it.

I've always called them forced birthers. You're right, they don't care what happens to the child or the mother after she gives birth, its all about controlling women, and punishing them for having sex.

And wtf are they when these unwanted babies are born? Stepping up with food, babysitting, lodging, clothing, college money? Hell. No.


They are actually pro-control. Once they coerce a woman not to abort(often with promises to ‘help&rsquo😉, that’s it. Not a pro-lifer in sight ever, the years I worked in maternity nursing. 12th and Delaware is a documentary worth watching.
Also, they are the same group against food stamps, school lunches, universal healthcare...and for guns.
They have no care for needy children who are here already.


Because it has nothing to do with saving babies and everything to do with controlling women's sexuality

GwenC Level 7 Feb 25, 2019

These are the same christians that think trumper is sent by god. Say no more.


I agree. That same crowd has no compassion for starving people, refugees, the unemployed, etc.... For some reason they do not believe in population control, they don't give a thought to polluting the planet and they could care less about climate change. I just don't understand where they are coming from. I thought it was just plain greed but that doesn't explain why they are against abortion. It's incredible to think that they are just plain stupid.

Where they are coming from, is the infantile world of the toddler. "I can have everything I want and I don't have to take responsibility for anything." If you think about it they are involved with a religion which says you can have everything (heaven), for nothing (belief).

@Fernapple Confess your sins, drink the wine, eat the bread, receive a blessing and you're good for another week?

@confidentrealm Quite.


I've always said they're pro-life until the embryo grows up. Then they don't care if you die from starvation, no health care, low paying jobs, and on and on, BUT WE MUST SAVE THE EMBRYO!!! It's the compassionate and right thing to do.....until they get older.


They only value lives still in the womb. I just wish I could find the part in their bible which says that's cool.


Over generalization. I have met many Christians who are pro choice and many atheists who are pro life. I have met many Christians who are anti capital punishment and some atheists who are pro capital punishment. Even though there might be a majority pro life/pro CP and Christian and a majority pro choice/anti CP non believers I do not think the debate is necessarily Christian vs atheist. The debate goes deeper than that.
I am heavily pro choice and was even when I was a Christian which I understand is a bit of an oxymoron but it definitely exists.


I have been pointing that out for decades.


Pro-"life"? Yeah, right! More like pro-birth and pro-misogyny.

Abortion is a political football inflated and manufactured by the "right" to control women and men who are liberated enough to enjoy the beauty of sex.

Abortion is a moral/ethical issue and needs to be treated that way. The clear advantages of choice still bend strongly in favor of the birth of children. It should not be a life sentence for women who take the responsible choice of terminating a pregnancy that they are not prepared for regardless of the reason.


They are almost all against welfare, food stamps, and universal healthcare too. Also, don't mention "gun control" to them. Many of them tend to somehow leak brain matter their orifices right before violently exploding.


I consider these two very separate issues. In reading the comments below I also think there's some generalizations (ie. no compassion for the hungry, or concerned about pollution, etc).



  1. The Christians want more babies so that more guns can sell.

  2. If more guns sell, more killing will take place

  3. When more killing, grief and tragedy happen, the need for your God and church will rise

  4. More killing will also create more prisoners

  5. More prisoners will need more privately run prisons.

  6. When more people are held in prisons, it would create more overheads for the society of good, God loving and church going Christians. Therefore more death penalties will be given.

  7. With more death penalties, the church will lose more members and the cash collections will dwindle

  8. Therefore, they must have more babies.... to continue God's plan.

Not all XTians believe all of the above but are participating in one or more in the God's plan. They just won't agree with this version.

Good answer.

Many false equivalencies there. For example, not all Christians are pro guns, not all Christians are pro capital punishment. I get what you're trying to say but you're reaching for straws a bit.

@SkepticPower31 There it is: the ‘not all xtians’ post.
Let me clear it up...not all xtians are XTIANS, by their own definition of what a Xtian is.


Don't ask any of them, you just get more Jesus stuff.


If we abort babies then they can never grow up into the death penalty. Two birds, one stone.


It has to do with compliance with their religious systems that are maybe -20% in line with normal human compulsions...will not improve until most of us become more real in our expectations of the human mammal...


It depends on if you are genuinely looking for a rational explanation or just hoping to open the floodgates of good fun roast against them. I'm not criticizing, mind you, happy to go either way.
As for a rationale, think of it as a moral spectrum or sliding scale. They put their opinions in one spot on this spectrum with innocent infants on one side of them on the spectrum, not deserving death and murderers to the other side of them, having earned & deserving death. I don't intend this to say they are right or wrong, only to demonstrate that the apparent contradiction can be resolved by looking at it in this way.
While the above description could explain it in theory, it seems quite different in practice and reality. Since the moral position is supposedly based on religion, it creates new contradictions when we consider that they are worshipers of the god of forgiveness and charity. Not only are they largely in favor of the death penalty and against abortion, the same people are largely in favor of guns, in favor of "Stand Your Ground" laws, in favor of military action, and against any assistance for people who are struggling with poverty. Any claim that their morality is guided by their religion is shown to be nonsense so long as they work so hard against the goals of the God of Love, the Prince of Peace.
In reality they make it clear, through their actions and their words, that their real motivations are quite different. They wish to judge and control others to make themselves I feel more important and a righteous, similar to the way someone will control another person within an abusive relationship.


While my personal experience with pro lifers leads me agree with your opinion (I assume that it was just a personal opinion and not a study/poll?) I have also noticed (my personal experience and nothing more) that the opposite is true with most of the pro choice people that I know. Most (not all) tend be very opposed the death penalty. Has anyone else noticed this or is it just me?


My old brain washed Buddist me:
Abortion is wrong because babies are innocent and it’s wrong to kill them.
Death penalty is ok because those people committed gruesome crimes and they have to be punished.

Do not bring lives into this world if you cannot provide for them. The pro-life people are not pro-life..they are pro birth and are hypocrites. They want the “innocent” to be born but then don’t give a damn about the “lives” of those babies after birth. I no longer trust people. The world is full of evilness and suffering and people are selfish.
I still believe in death penalty especially those who commit gruesome crimes- Serial killers, Rape and Murder etc.


And your statistics come from...?
Sounds very, very "off"........


That has baffled me as well! It has something to do with needing to punish people! It is even punishing the women to force her to bare a child, because she had sex! My own daughter once said to me that she ‘was against people using abortion for birth control!’ Now, where that came from I have no idea, as that is not the social norms that I keep up with! Now, a person could have several abortions, but that is not the norm!


Works both ways - those most supportive of 'choice' are huge majority against executions and expanding them to brutal sex offenders. Abortion is a phony issue on both sides. At base, its a battle between factions that want the privilege of defining criteria for or conditions in which, homicide is an acceptable, legal solution. No morality there, only politics.


Over generalization. I have met many Christians who are pro choice and many atheists who are pro life. Even though there's a majority pro life and Christian and a majority pro choice non believers I do not think the debate is necessarily Christian vs atheist. The debate goes deeper than that.
I was heavily pro choice even when I was a Christian which I understand is a bit of an oxymoron but it definitely exists.


"So it would appear that all or almost all of the people in this country who are against abortion are also pro death penalty....yet they call themselves Pro-Life. How does that work?"

Not my favorite subject, but I am sure they would say that the baby is innocent while the convicted person is guilty. Unfortunately due to human error some convicted people are also innocent, which is I think the best argument against the death penalty.

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