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One of my favorite cartoon moments from Warner Brothers is the
"Morning Ralph"
"Morning Sam"

When Wolf Ralph and
Sheepdog Sam were actually punching a clock to play out their expected roles.

I thought it was funny as a kid, but there is a real message there.

Warner Brother cartoons are absolutely fantastic if you can still find them.

BufftonBeotch 8 Feb 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I remember that classic moment. This was one of my faves, even though it's been censored a bit -


If You Refuse Me.

Honey You'll Lose Me.

And You'll be Left Alone!
Oh Honey...

Telephone and Tell Me __ ___!


One of the all time classics


they were cartoons for adults.


Yep. It's just a job. Never take work home.

The expected roles we are supposed to play is what I saw in it later.

They were actually friendly or at least neutral to each other except when they couldn't be.


Yes!!!!! And i have been watching Humphrey Bogart movies recently. There is a whole block of episodes based on Bogart movies. ☺

Most of the WB cartoons were made in the 40's to 50's I think.

Some of them are a bit racially tainted.

But I got to give it the time pass.

And Oh that singing dancing frog.

I've seen that maybe 150+ I can't stop laughing.

Or "Dragons is so Stupid!"

That entire manner of a man that Humphrey was.

So if we had to choose between him and a man bun skinny jeans?

What would it be?

@BufftonBeotch me personally? i like bogart movies. but when i see him on the screen, i always think about how i read he had incredibly bad breath. I wonder what he really smelled like.

also, choosing between Bogie and Man Bun?? who could I connect to more? I'm not big on choosing one person over another - Bogart was so in love with Bacall that eyes and love did not wander from his home. So, the question.... choose? Um.... what do i know about the man bun guy? and is he receptive to my quirks?

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