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What doesn't impress you?

For me, money doesn't impress me. Some of the most wretched humans on earth were wealthy and still are.

Redcupcoffee 7 Mar 1

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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Golfing scores, number of ex wives.


Intelligence and being motivated to achieve goals that are purposeful


Brand names. I love thrift stores. Rude people. How hard is it to be nice and mannerly?


Most everything doesn't impress me.


Flashy cars don't impress me, or lots of money. Too much jewelry or too many tatts don't impress me. I like tatts, but it doesn't have to cover allll your skin. Too many piercings don't impress me. Guns don't impress me, big trucks, or bad attitude.


You can do good things with money and it gives you more options, I could certainly use more of it in my life. I'm not impressed by those who pass off others opinions as their own with no thought for themselves. I also don't like those who play the victim. Stand up and take some responsibility for your life instead of whining about your lot.


Nothing makes me roll my eyes harder than some dude trying to impress me with his BMW. It's actually kind of pathetic. Name dropping is right up there, too.


I am not impressed by social status or their signifiers such as lots of possessions.

We have live in a new and attractive housing development but all the homes are of modular construction. One of our neighbors are social-climing types, what you might call aspirationally wealthy. When they ordered their house from the factory they purchased every single optional extra avaliable, whether they made the slightest sense or not. It's kind of comical when you think of it -- a modular home on a postage-stamp lot, 15 feet from your neighbors, and you're going to make sure you have the crown molding and tankless water heater so that you feel in between your ears that your house is at least a litle "better" than your neighbor's, thus reassuring you that you are ahead of them climbing the social ladder.

I don't waste money trying to one-up others and I'm content to live in a home that provides warmth and shelter and is inviting, but is not some sort of McMansion in a neighborhood that has the ostentation of being "exclusive".


Titles and degrees, I have met too many educated dumb people and conversely some really smart people with no formal education at all. Don't get me wrong, I am all for education and learning, but the titles don't automatically mean smart. IMHO


I’m not impressed with men who try to hide their bald spots with combovers or black spray paint, or 85 year-old gents who dye their hair jet black.

I’m not impressed with television commercials which try to keep the public calm and stupid by portraying us as simpletons, using ukeleles and snappy whistled tunes to promote gimmicky products we can really do without.

I’m not impressed with little, wannabe gangstas playing rap “music” in their cars with the bass turned up, thinking it makes them attractive to women, when it only really annoys everyone, bringing down home values in the neighborhood.

I’m not impressed with pretty women at work who dress provocatively, showing off their lovely figures in skintight jeans and stiletto heels, and yet look offended (like, “What the hell are you looking at?) if you happen to glance their way.

I’m not impressed with product claims of being “Official” (I.e., “Velveeta Cheese: The Official Cheese of NASCAR). Why would I care?

I think having money is great. I only wish it was worth what we pay for it. Most people are not adequately compensated for their efforts. People who have always had easy access to money have likely become jaded by the fact that the luxuries they take for granted cost them no sweat equity whatsoever, and are thus bored as hell with fine restaurants and round-the-world trips. I, however, have the imagination to appreciate the pleasures money can get me.


Designer anything...people who brag,winning a gold medal at a beer tasting convention, babies who do stuff earlier than they are supposed to...babies are such show-offs!


Ya money doesn't impress me, but I'd like a bit more of it, just for the sake of comfort and security.

Name dropping is pretty useless unless they are famous scientists. lol

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