i just wanna be clear..
donald doesn't occupy the office, he wears it like a clown costume, his words do not carry thoughtfulness nor wisdom. they are filled with belligerance, rebuke, suggestion, accusation and derision. they attract flies. he's so xenophobic he's scared of himself and everyone around him. the man is off his rocker y'all. if you support this disgrace you can kiss my hillbilly ass.
There are still a large number of people who think he is very sucessful. Why? From over here, he is a dreadfully uncouth person.
Because there are a lot of stupid Americans. Here is a good George Carlin quote, "Just think how stupid the average American is, and then realize half of them are more stupid than that".
@Closeted I understand the attraction of an anti-establishment figure who talks like 'one of them' but he is clearly a crooked man who surrounds himself with other crooked agents. There is undoubtably going to be a financial crash as working people's wages will fall (racing for the bottom) as corporate taxes are lowered. Taxing working people for what big earners should pay for is always a bad idea. It is working people who buy things. People have been burned following the credit bubble. Why can no one see what an unmitigated disaster this is going to be?...oh yeah...brown people! Same as Brexit over here!
@mooredolezal That's a lovely quote! ????
@Petter yes, if George ever made a mistake I never heard it.
@Closeted There’s a lot of good reasons for voting for Trump but none I can think of for voting for the democrats especially the left wing idiots like Bernie Sanders and Ocasio Cortez!!
@Closeted I think your the one who has it backwards.
When u done kissing hanksters hillbilly one , feel free to kiss my foreign one too . Here .