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She has "ink"! < GASP!! >

bigpawbullets 9 Mar 27

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There’s probably more women that have tat’s now days than don’t. If I was looking for a woman I don’t think I’d reject one just because they had tat’s but at my age they they don’t worry me to much. ?????


My buddy Tommy Redd says his girlfriend is so covered in tats, sex is like doing it to a great big comic book.. ?

That image will be with me for days.

@bigpawbullets I'm hoping a Wonder Woman book at least.. ?


The more I hear some people saying they don't like tattoos, especially on women, the more I want to cover myself entirely in tattoos. Don't worry. I wouldn't want to touch your noodle anyway.

But it's true. I would probably make a horrible mother (therefore I don't have children, except furry and scaly ones, some with 8 legs, some with no legs).

We've three furry children. One grandson. And that's plenty.


It wasn’t that long ago that tattoos had to be completely covered up in my profession. It’s a process I guess.


What about the one's from Montreal?


Or, she's a sexy ass and spiritual Native American. ?

Or... from Quebec! 😉

@bigpawbullets Oh, the horror!

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