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Trae Crowder - The Liberal Redneck. This guy is the best.

Duke 8 Mar 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Hll yeah!

Donna Level 6 Mar 6, 2018

Look at him. I believe he could be the banjo player from Deliverance.


The Guy has Big Ones being a Southerner who isn't waiting for the South to rise again, but to Grow the Fu#k up. I am truly afraid for him because if you know anything about the "Real Southern Disposition" there are many who would take the opportunity to make him feel the vengenance they like to be known to famous for. He inspires alot of insight into the fact that they are not as backward as they are portrayed, but then again when we wake up to another horrific tradgedy and see the Christian Coalitions of the South stand behind and throw their unrelenting support for Racism, Inequality for Women, Deportation and Corporate Exploitation which they believe are true Christian Values.

I'm always concerned for folks who speak out.


This guy is too funny. It looks like he has turned pro with his touring and merchandising. Good for him. We need him spreading his brand of commom sense to cure the insanity that has afflicted the US like a plague. It couldn't happen at a better time because congressional elections are coming up in November!


That was so fun! And PS now I know what I’m dressing up as next Halloween: Unborn Fetus


Love him!


I love Trae!

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