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The whiteness of TV Chefs. I was thinking today as I scanned through to Create TV to see who was on, how white TV chef shows are. Oh, there are a few brown or non-whites but the overwhelming majority is white.

Women seem to be well represented now. Not so when I was growing up. Julia Child was the only woman on TV chef shows for many years. Males ruled that sector for ages. Then Martha Stewart. Now many women are celebrity chefs.

But the whiteness is still an issue. The link is a ranking of TV chefs, pretty pale.


mzbehavin 8 Apr 4

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Seems like a good cross section to me... Depending on how you define white... Are Italians or Greeks white people? Hispanics... ? Irish?

Given that “white” in general in the US is a reference to Europeans, rather than limited to Northern Europeans, I would say the Greeks and Italians qualify as white. Along with most Spanish people. South Americans of mostly Spanish background would as well. So that would make the list of celebrity chefs pretty blanched.

@Barnie2years given the fact that white people, and certain stupid people, define what white people are, I think that's kinda absurd... I'm not white, yet I'm Hispanic.. Your black and white categories are disgusting...

@Cutiebeauty, I personally don’t give a darn what color a person is, or what you feel your color is. I was commenting on the most common perception. If you feel anyone not from Scandinavia or Britain or Germany is not white, that is your privilege.sounds kind of like Trump’s view.


Same reason that, as Eddie Murphy said, black people get the fuck out of a haunted house the second they realize it’s haunted while white people stay in the place for years. No black person is stupid enough to actually stay in food service. They get the hell out and get a less soul sucking job as soon as possible.


It makes sense, considering the considering the exquisite nature of English and German cuisine.

What about Indian, Japanese, Thai, Iranian, etc?

@Petter I believe that the Count was using sarcasm.

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