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Religious Conservatives Argue Adam And Eve Would Never Have Been Banished From Eden If They’d Had Guns


ldheinz 7 Apr 8

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And Frodo wouldnt have had to go through all those adventures if he'd had a helicopter to fly into Mirror. Just as true, makes just as much sense.

'Mordor' I hate autocorrect.


Do guns kill spirits? IDK.


I have been a long time read of the Onion!


Well I have heard it all now. Stupid f....ers


Would never have worked. God would've just turned the bullets into chocolate chips or some such shit. God does stuff like that. Shame on the Onion for missing that.


Because they could have shot gawd........huh. Not so bad, methinks......


I am actually happy to read a respected Baptist minister is going around saying things like this. It is like dinosaurs on Noah's ark. The more they show how stupid it all is, the more an atheist movement grows.


I'm always amazed when people attempt to make a " logical" argument based on complete fantasy story.


Can the stupid get stupider! A gun against god?/ Excuse me. wasn't/isn't god all powerful and god is hiding. So guns would be totally useless against god on many fronts, Where would they have pointed the guns? I suppose take an AK-47 and just let it fly everywhere and hope for the best. And if you hit god, would god bleed? If you killed god and then there was no god, could you say you believed in god if god had been killed or could you qualify as an athiest. Oh, the problems with Eden and we only have the orange monkey to worry about.


Before you all lose your shit, read where the article comes from.


Fucking morons.
Wish they'd do us all a favor and turn their guns on themselves. They serve no useful purpose.

@maturin1919 I missed that. Didn't see it. My vision is getting worse. LOL



This should be amusing.

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