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I know that I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but for anyone who has followed me on Facebook or IG I couldn't care less. Here's the deal I think that it's extremely hypocritical to be pro abortion but against the death penalty. How in the hell are you going to put the life of a convicted murder/rapist over a child's life. You can be both against abortion and the death penalty, pro abortion and the death penalty or even against abortion and for the death penalty because the condemned has been given a chance at life but the blew it but seriously you will fight for the life of someone who has murdered a child but not for the actual child. Make that make sense.

mrveggieman187 6 Apr 12

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37 comments (26 - 37)

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Really? #hell?

Abortion and the death penalty are not two sides of the same coin - moving on to a more useful post...


I can see how it seems illogical. I think both abortions & the death penalty are morally wrong, but still think abortions should be legal and the death penalty illegal.


I don't play in generalities.
Each individual event has its own conditions, rational, and results.

Making such a decision is the choice of those involved.
For Abortion, it is a personal choice between the woman (and sometimes with their partner).

Capital Punishment
For Capital punishment, it has totally different factors and the decision is the "state" or "the people" against an individual. It usually involves actions or agreed upon charges against the actions of the individual involved. It is the will of the people against an individual, one which results in their death.

Both involve choices, cause and effect and until I'm in that situation I won't arm chair judge others actions. I will however fight to allow them to make that decision. Because, yes maybe I too might need the option to make it myself.

One's voice can not speak for another
Forcing your views on others somehow implied your opinion is more important. That your point of view is "right" while the billions of other opinions are not. That says more about you than the topic at hand.

Unless you are willing to take in someone's child. To raise, feed, and cloth her. I don't want to hear about how it is murder before they had a life. Because just letting a child be born that won't be loved and won't be cared for is just prolonging the murder of their true "self" through hunger, neglect, and exposing them to a hell. One that very well may result in that twisted soul being "put down" by capital punishment for wrong doing. And what about all of the other families, children, and communities affected by their actions?

This "issue" predominantly impacts the poor. Whom have very little resources. Where the environment is full of crime, rape, and misery.

I would whole heartily support strong restrictions on abortion if it also included free birth control and condoms for everyone.


These are complex issues with many shades of gray and the likelihood of inflaming people's emotions is high.. For instance, I don't want to see children hurt but I fully support a woman's right to choose if she wants to terminate a pregnancy. Some would see that as mutually exclusive but I differentiate a fetus from a child -- something pro-lifers don't do. One also needs to take the circumstances of the pregnancy into account as well. No woman should be compelled to carry a baby to term that was the result of incest or rape...or both.

The death penalty is much simpler, at least for me. Serial killers, malignant narcissists, socio/psychopaths -- these are agents of chaos and evil who can't be rehabilitated and contribute nothing but misery to this world. They're mistakes of nature, even the non-violent ones. Trump is a perfect example of the destruction a non-violent sociopath can create. These people are a cancer. So far as the violent ones go, kill em' all.

I understand your position on the death penalty but am curious. My problem is not with killing such people rather it is the fact that the state has and will kill innocent people. I do not think one innocent life is worth the convenience of killing these people. Add in recent supreme court action which has effectively legalized torture and I cannot support such a death penalty.


@Quarm I would advocate only for the deaths of people whose psychopathy and guilt of homocide was without question. Killers like BTK, Dahmer, Gacy, etc... People for whom there was no question of their guilt or psycopathy. Less than that, no death penalty. There must be 100% certainty.

@Sgt_Spanky Jeff Dahmer met death by blunt force trauma in a prison bathroom as I recall.

I forget if he were in a state with a death penalty.

CA had to keep Charles Manson housed and fed for years.

Most people have been sentenced to death for far lesser crimes.

Beautiful people like Sophie Scholl .

@BufftonBeotch Dahmer was arrested in Milwaukee and was serving 15 life sentences because Wisconsin doesn't have the death penalty. A fellow inmate beat him to death with a lead pipe about 3 years into his sentence. His guilt was 100% certain so the guy who killed him did us all a favor. He also claimed God told him to do it. One of the only usefful things God's ever done.

Manson's guilt was also 100% certain and he DID recieve the death penalty which was overturned when CA ruled the death penalty unconstitutional in the early 70s. As a result, millions of taxpayer dollars were wasted housing and feeding that useless lump of shit for 50 years. That was a ridiculous decision.

The ONLY people who should get the death penalty are people like this; true evil monsters. People guilty of lesser crimes should not be given death. Sophie Scholl was convivted and murdered by a psychotic fascist government for speaking out against it so her situation was unique from just killing a homicidal maniac. She was a hero.

@Sgt_Spanky Could you hang a man/woman you were only 85% convinced was guilty?

@BufftonBeotch At 85% the temptation might be there but it has to be 100% and only for murder. You?

@Sgt_Spanky Well I certainly would not have beheaded Sophie.

@BufftonBeotch Well, the Nazis were'nt exactly known for their compassion and humanitarianism.

@Sgt_Spanky So they would have probably shot me for not killing a brave ass girl.



Kill 'em all, the gene pool is corrupt. Happy now?


Why hashtag hell? Doubting your sincerity. Doubting your genuineness.

In case I am mistaken, this article will provide some information you may not be familiar with.


The computer gave this article the hashtags not me.


Maybe the death penalty for people who continue to be a serious danger while in prison.

But maybe that should be quietly taken care of, rather than officially.

Like that "Wild Bill" character in The Green Mile. Or worse that sadistic guard.


I can see why you may think there's a superficial contradiction, but as soon as you start to seriously think about thse issues, you realise that that's simplistic.


I agree. It makes no sense. Killing is killing.
Abortion for convenience is murder.

Almost always men who say this shit.

Zygotes are more valuable than women!

How long should we give the man explaining our private parts to us to look up zygote and get back to us?

@BufftonBeotch Forever? They do not care. A lot of them. Which is sad and pathetic.


I agree that you can't be considered 'pro life' if you oppose abortion and don't support all the legislation that supports that child after birth. That means making sure that those children are fed, clothed, educated, and kept safe. I'd even go one step farther and say that those who say 'just give it up' had better have adopted themselves.
As to the death penalty, I oppose it and I am strongly pro choice. The system supporting the death penalty is as broken as the rest of the government. There is also the problem that after an execution if you get evidence that shows the convicted was not guilty, you can't just say 'oooops'. And that happens with depressing frequency. I actually think that a life in prison is worse punishment than death, anyway. So I'd rather see them have to spend the time in prison.


Its a women thing which will tell you a lot about the individual. This individual will never fully explain her reasons as rthey are as varied as the individual in question. Murder is a thought out vicious act of violence against a specific individual for various reasons most of which are brought out in a trial which again is a varied group of individuals. If you have money this process can be swayed, varied, manipulated on your behalf. If you are not a person of means then you are to be made an example of for the rest of the world to believe that there is a just justice system You have only to look at the present judicial system and the persons who control and manipulate it to continue this argument. Abortions will always be one persons deciision to carry for the rest of their lives and no one elses. A Vicious Criminal who commits a henious malicious crime not only cost one or more person their lives, but scarred and distorted many others forever.


I'm pro abortion in the sense of being pro choice but not in the make believe sense. What I mean here is this. Abortion is not birth control and nobody is allowing a child to be born while a doctor and mother decide whether or not to kill it. Just not happening. This is all talking points of the right. Women should have control of their own bodies.

Am I in favor of the death penalty? Let's put it this way. If the person really did the crime in which it was decided to put them to death and the evidence is plain and outstanding, it would be safe to say that this killer is not going to kill again if they forfeit their life. Why should we house and feed them forever? You cannot rehabilitate people who commit murder.

Point of fact - lots of people who have committed murders, served a prison sentence, and been released and have not committed further crimes may be considered to be rehabilitated. Happens all the time in Europe.

@CeliaVL Don't get me wrong. My son-in-law served 25 to life for murder. He did 26 years for a crime committed as a young man. The difference here is that he did not get the death penalty.

@DenoPenno And are you saying he has not been rehabilitated? Is he a danger to society?

@CeliaVL He was a kid who commited a murder and I do not see him as a danger to society. The topic was about the death penalty. He did not get the death penalty and therefore has paid his debt to society.

And those falsely accused and executed, and you know it has happened, quite often. Just look at the number of people released from prison because of false testimony or hidden evidence by an over zealous DA. The death penalty is wrong. If you are worried about cost you need to do a little research. If you did you would know it costs the state less to house for life than to execute.

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