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Ken Ham is set to do a speaking engagement at the University of Central Oklahoma this spring. Why would a state school invite this wacko to speak.

Dogpound9 6 Mar 5

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Thanks for everyone's comments. Ken Ham will use scientific language, but he will not use facts. Students who are not familiar with real science could fall for his deceit.


Well, a few peple will get to see wha ta nut case he is first hand...


Intilectual diversity, a free exchange of ideas and the fact that most large colleges have theology departments.




Oklahoma, no explanation necessary.


University Denies Free Speech to Ken Ham and Boots Him from Speaking
AiG President Gets Tossed from Speaking in Ironically Named Constitution Hall


They'll be collectively stupider having listened to him.


They reinvented him after the cancelation fiasco. The UCO President saud the reasoning was to teach the students "freedom of speech" and be able to listen to thoughts they don't share with tolerance. I agree with you. He's an idiot. UCO invited him because this is the heart of churchie land.

They've since uninvited him.

they uninvited him again? I just saw on TV last nite that he was reinvited. geez, this gets confusing.

uhm, no. He spoke there today. His lecture there is posted on his FB page.


I would guess it is so that he can mingle with all the other lunatic zombie worshiping religious fanatics that are smart enough to get into college. But it is Oklahoma so the bar is pretty low to begin with 😉

@evestrat Well not EVERYONE ... lol


Why would anyone want to go?

JK666 Level 7 Mar 5, 2018

Ark Encounter guy. Different strokes for different morons?


Also this is not happening. []

The college univited him.


They may not have invited him? Have you checked?

He may have paid them for the venue. This has happened before.


There is something to be said about entertainment value - but then so is a sharp stick in the eye.

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