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Trying a facial mask and my face is just not shaped for the precut ones Haha I feel like Doctor Doom

I'm actually going to start next week a YouTube channel where I review a new 1$ facial mask from walmart every week!

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Apr 20

Enjoy being online again!

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You look great. What radio stations do you pick up???

Buxx Level 7 Apr 20, 2019

Unfortunately just the morman planets. Who knew they were right


If it makes you happy, go for it and have fun. Actually if it is not fun don't do it, life is to short.


Mexican wrestlers beware. No its on of the advantages of single living. One can look ridiculous without sanction

If being in a relationship means giving up my ridiculous facial masks I'll stay single forever 😂

@LadyAlyxandrea I was reminded of it this winter. I needed a shower before going out but did not want to wash my hair. So I put on a blue swimming cap that I had. One glance in the mirror and I was reminded of a safety match. The kind of a look that can end any form of sexual; relationship for good. Like a guy just wearing socks.
I think your face mask although a little scary has something to it. You could break into my bedroom any night x

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