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Note to self: Stay away from political discussions, too much negativity. Anyone else agree?

tiger78 5 Apr 22

Enjoy being online again!

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I swore of political posting on social media years ago... Maybe 2 months ago, I swore off all political discussions and conversations. Even when someone goes off on a rant, and saying stuff I absolutely disagree with.. I just say "yeah, that's crazy".. Most people don't want to discuss.. They just want to get their feelings out and don't all.. about the counter point.. So I just let them rant.. It's like letting a child run around like crazy all day, so they'll sleep through the night.

I couldn't have said it better myself man


I avoid politics like the plague...


I tend to avoid political discussions with most people - it is far too easy for emotions and tempers to flare! That said, some political discussions are good. It depends upon the participants, and the reason for the discussion...

Great point. I suppose that can be said when it pertains to any subject of conversation.


It’s been said that, rather than teaching children not to discuss politics and religion in polite company, they should be taught to discuss politics and religion politely.

Well said. Teaching children how to be decent human beings is essential to the positive progression of this country.


I'm all for political discussions. There's enough content here that one can choose to skip the commentary if he or she chooses.

I believe politics are an unavoidable part of the world we live in. So, avoiding these topics altogether might not be the best strategy for staying informed and promoting positive change.


Absolutely. I'm tired of it all.


Of course, lets stick our fucking heads in the sand! Brilliant! This why we are where we are as a nation. Apathy!

@josh_is_exciting There is a good reason to be hostile. When less than half the people registered to vote actually do so. If anyone believes we wouldn't be in a better place with Clinton as our President, they are too stupid to live. 🙂

@Sticks48 Until America heeds the doctrine of Professor Cipolla
something Madam Clinton never did, the majority of the world's population will despise your failure to be anything other than arrogant hubristic narcisistic bullies.

@Sticks48 Doesn't the wise person learn the futility of repeatedly doing the same thing in the hope of a new outcome? In politics the parties are not interested in your views once they are in power - they are only interested in being paid, re-elected in 4 years time, avoiding revolution and in making their financial backers happy.
And religion they only want to save your soul, which they invented, in order to have a free ride through life paid for by you.

@FrayedBear There are big differences in the two parties. BIG differences. This last election cost us one and maybe two Supreme Court Justice seats. Apathy is not going to change a thing. Voting people out of office does. People don't realise how huge Obama Care was and is. Once that passed, they could never go back to the old system. Health care will change and evolve now. No Obama Care, no change in the old system. Remember when Bush tried to privatize SS? When you give the people something, you can't take it back. they won't allow it. Elections have consequences.

@FrayedBear She won by three million votes, and would have had more if not for Comey and the pissy Bernie voters that stayed home and played, "Watch this, fuck us." There are no perfect systems of government, and in the most diverse population on the planet, there will never be a consensus on anything. It can always be made better.

@Sticks48 Isn't 45 busy dismantling Obama Care just as the UK and Australian non-socialist Governments are busy dismantling nationalised health care?
Didn't someone say that the camel was created out of a committee put together to develop a thoroughbred racehorse. Trouble was they couldn't agree anything and so consensus was reached and the camel was born!

@FrayedBear It is still here to some degree. They can't get rid of it. That is the main issue which caused them to lose the midterms. Obama Care made sure we can't go back to the old system. Even Obama said it was not the end-all-be-all, just a start.


nope. i jump on in. it's important. that doesn't mean you should, but you asked for agreement and i cannot, for myself, agree.



No...I disagree....

But us teachers are used to negativity in discussions..."why do I have to learn this"??? etc...

Read/study'll sharpen your debate skills...and teach you how to avoid the purely negative...


I don’t ever talk to my dad about politics, no matter how hard he tries. He’s 77, in poor health. I’m sad he became a rwnj upon retirement, but I love him and don’t want to fight with him.
Anyone else, just not him.

Sad...but very kind and loving of you to empathize with a senior at the end of their life. Good judgement call.

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