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Hello fellow free thinkers. Making my first post on here. Hope to meet some awesome new people. How many of you have experienced the losing of a friend or family member due to you being open about your atheism?

AngryJellyBean 3 May 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Howdy and welcome here.


My initial response was to say I haven't but then immediately 2 people sprang to mind that I thought drifted away for other reasons. I never asked so don't know for sure but acknowledge it's possible it was non belief instead.

When my children were young, I said I had an issue with organized religion which gave the impression I was kinda one of them.

Something to ponder I s'pose


None due to being open about atheism.

zesty Level 7 May 2, 2019

Welcome - I've lost several from each category.


Welcome ... friendly lot on here for the most part... interesting too....have fun


Join the fun! I have lost more "friends " with the current president than my lack of religious stance.

I've lost friends due to the current president as well. I don't look at that as so much a bad thing. I can't stand he who shall not be named but in a small way I'm glad he is the way he is because that allows us to see just who the others like him are and we can do something about that.


I don't think I've been rejected by any, but I've certainly dumped a few. I found myself irritated by hearing "God has really blessed you" like he should take the credit.

Look at my resume. Do you see God having done any work here?

Welcome to the site!

That's probably why I have lost a few. When they say things like that to me, and they do, I like to point out that same fact.


firstly welcome...we are not that religious in the UK but certain communities are undermining our open policy of religious freedom. never lost a friend or family member because religion just never came up. However i have last a loved one because of her beliefs , if that makes any sense.


Welcome!! I have been lucky. I have never lost a friend over my staunch Athiesm. Even my super Jesus follower friends love me. They were surprised to find out but they accepted it immediately.

I too am very outspoken about my atheism. Surprisingly though it really wasn't so much my super jesus friends that I lost but kinda some of the ones I didn't think would be like that or care.


Hello and welcome.

I think that has happened to me but I'm not sure. Maybe they just drifted away or maybe I was too outspoken with my skepticism. It's the same as a lover who simply quits calling without an explanation leaving us without closure.

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